Hey all, I'm trying to get a simple grid based navigation system for my game working and I found this really great tutorial that does everything I need, but its outdate (4 years old) The code largely seems to be find when converting to 4.2, except for one that I can't find the proper replacement for, or I have but it doesn't work.
Here's the tut:
There's a part in the code where I am getting the local point of a node with this code:
astar.add_point(ind, gridmap.map_to_world(cell.x, cell.y, cell.z))
but in 4 there is no function "map_to_world", its now "map_to_local". But when I switch to the new code I get this error:
Invalid call to function 'map_to_local' in base 'GridMap'. Expected 1 arguments.
I'm not sure what the problem is. Any ideas?