At times like this, I am reminded of a quote from the Matrix: "Do not try and order the database. That's impossible. Instead, only realize the truth... there is no order. Then you will see that it the table that orders itself, it is you who orders the table."
When working with MySQL through a GUI, there is always a decision to make. If you run something like SELECT * FROM users
, MySql will always make a decision to order this by some field. Normally, this will be the primary key.
| id | name |
| 1 | Brian |
| 2 | Carl |
| 3 | Albert |
When you add an ORDER BY
command to the query, it will make the decision to order by some other field.
For Example Select * From users ORDER BY name
would yield:
| id | name |
| 3 | Albert |
| 1 | Brian |
| 2 | Carl |
So to your question, you appear to want to change the default order by which your table displays this information. In order to do that, check to see what your Primary Key field
is. For most practical purposes, having a unique identifying natural number tends to do the trick. MySQL has an AUTO_INCREMENT function for this. When creating the table, it would look something like field_name int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT
All of this is to say: if you would like to change "the row order", you would need to update this value. However, since the identifier is something that other tables would use to reference your field, this seems a little bit reckless.
If you for example went: UPDATE table Set id = 1 where id = 2;
, this would initially fail, since the id fields would end up being both an identical value and fail the PrimaryKey check (which insists on both uniqueness and having a value set). You could Juggle this by running three update statements in a row:
UPDATE users Set id = 100000000 where id = 1;
UPDATE users Set id = 1 where id = 2;
UPDATE users Set id = 2 where id = 100000000;
This would result in the rows for this table looking like:
| id | name |
| 1 | Carl |
| 2 | Brian |
| 3 | Albert |
Which technically would work to reorder this table, but this is in a bubble. MySQL being a relational database means that any table which was depending on that data to be consistent will now be pointed to the wrong data. For example, I have a table which stores birthdays, referencing the initial user table. It's structure might look like this:
| id | user_id | birthdate |
| 1 | 1 | 1993-01-01 |
| 1 | 2 | 1980-02-03 |
| 1 | 3 | 1955-01-01 |
By switching the ID's on the user table, you MUST update the user_id value on the birthdays table. Of course MySQL comes prepared for this: enter "Foreign Key Constraints". As long as you configured all of your foreign key constraints to Cascade Updates, you wouldn't need to manually change the reference to every value you changed.
These queries would all be a lot of manual work and potentially weaken your data's integrity. If you have fields you would like to rank and reorder regularly, the answer posed by Mike Lewis on this question with the "table order" would be a more sensible answer (and if that is the case, then his is the best solution and just disregard this answer).