First of all, I must admit that I'm very new to knitr and the concept of reproducible analysis, but I can see its potential in improving my current workflow (which includes much copy-pasting into word docs).
I often have to produce multiple reports by group (Hospital in this example) and within each hospital, there may be many different Wards that I'm reporting an outcome on. Previously I ran all of my plots and analysis in R using loops, then the copy/pasting work commenced; however, after reading this post (Can Sweave produce many pdfs automatically?), and it gave me hope that I may actually be able to skip many steps and go straight from R to report through Rnw/knitr.
However, after giving it a try I see that there is something that isn't quite working out (as the R environment within the Rnw does not appear to recognize the looping variables I'm trying to pass to it??).
## make my data
Hospital <- c(rep("A", 20), rep("B", 20))
Ward <- rep(c(rep("ICU", 10), rep("Medicine", 10)), 2)
Month <- rep(seq(1:10), 4)
Outcomes <- rnorm(40, 20, 5)
df <- data.frame(Hospital, Ward, Month, Outcomes)
## Here is my current work flow-- produce all plots, but export as png and cut/paste
for(hosp in unique(df$Hospital)){
subgroup <- df[ df$Hospital == hosp,]
for(ward in unique(subgroup$Ward)){
subgroup2 <- subgroup[subgroup$Ward == ward,]
savename <- paste(hosp, ward)
plot(subgroup2$Month, subgroup2$Outcomes, type="o", main=paste("Trend plot for", savename))
# followed by much copy/pasting
## Here is what I'm trying to go for using knitr
for (hosp in unique(df$Hospital)){
knit("C:file.path\\testing_loops.Rnw", output=paste('report_', Hospital, '.tex', sep=""))
## With the following *Rnw file
## start *.Rnw Code
\usepackage[margin=1.15 in]{geometry}
<<loaddata, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE>>=
Hospital <- c(rep("A", 20), rep("B", 20))
Ward <- rep(c(rep("ICU", 10), rep("Medicine", 10)), 2)
Month <- rep(seq(1:10), 4)
Outcomes <- rnorm(40, 20, 5)
df <- data.frame(Hospital, Ward, Month, Outcomes)
subgroup <- df[ df$Hospital == hosp,]
<<setup, echo=FALSE >>=
opts_chunk$set(fig.path = paste("test", hosp , sep=""))
Some infomative text about hospital \Sexpr{hosp}
<<plots, echo=FALSE >>=
for(ward in unique(subgroup$Ward)){
subgroup2 <- subgroup[subgroup$Ward == ward,]
# subgroup2 <- subgroup2[ order(subgroup2$Month),]
savename <- paste(hosp, ward)
plot(subgroup2$Month, subgroup2$Outcomes, type="o", main=paste("Trend plot for", savename))
## To be then turned into pdf with this
tools::texi2pdf("C:file.path\\report_A.tex", clean = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)
After trying to run my knit() code chunk I get this error:
Error in file(con, "w") : invalid 'description' argument
And when I look into the directory where the *.tex file was to be created, I can see the 2 pdf plots from hospital A were produced (none for B) and no hospital specific *.tex file to knit into a pdf. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!