I recorded a Video for limited time. Now i want to fetch all frames of video. I am using the below code and by using it i am able to get frames but i am not getting all video frames. 3 to 4 frames are repeated then i got a different frame. But as we all know we can get 25- 30 frames in a second to display smooth video. How to get all frames.
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
Bitmap bArray = mediaMetadataRetriever.getFrameAtTime(
1000000 * i,
savebitmap(bArray, 33333 * i);
I don't want to use NDK. I got this link don't know what should be the value for "argb8888". I am getting error here. Can anyone explain how to do it. Getting frames from Video Image in Android
and see what happens. – Bankston