I have used the "JsonConvert.Deserialize(json)" method of Json.NET so far which worked quite well and to be honest, I didn't need anything more than this.
I am working on a background (console) application which constantly downloads the JSON content from different URLs, then deserializes the result into a list of .NET objects.
using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
string json = client.DownloadString(stringUrl);
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Contact>>(json);
The simple code snippet above doesn't probably seem perfect, but it does the job. When the file is large (15,000 contacts - 48 MB file), JsonConvert.DeserializeObject isn't the solution and the line throws an exception type of JsonReaderException.
The downloaded JSON content is an array and this is how a sample looks like. Contact is a container class for the deserialized JSON object.
"firstname": "sometext",
"lastname": "sometext"
"firstname": "sometext",
"lastname": "sometext"
"firstname": "sometext",
"lastname": "sometext"
"firstname": "sometext",
"lastname": "sometext"
My initial guess is it runs out of memory. Just out of curiosity, I tried to parse it as JArray which caused the same exception too.
I have started to dive into Json.NET documentation and read similar threads. As I haven't managed to produce a working solution yet, I decided to post a question here.
UPDATE: While deserializing line by line, I got the same error: " [. Path '', line 600003, position 1." So downloaded two of them and checked them in Notepad++. I noticed that if the array length is more than 12,000, after 12000th element, the "[" is closed and another array starts. In other words, the JSON looks exactly like this:
"firstname": "sometext",
"lastname": "sometext"
"firstname": "sometext",
"lastname": "sometext"
"firstname": "sometext",
"lastname": "sometext"
"firstname": "sometext",
"lastname": "sometext"
"firstname": "sometext",
"lastname": "sometext"
"firstname": "sometext",
"lastname": "sometext"
"firstname": "sometext",
"lastname": "sometext"
"firstname": "sometext",
"lastname": "sometext"
and the line throws an exception type of JsonReaderException.
What is the exception message? Any inner exception? – Insure