Since using Parsable
is designed for high performance IPC transport as mentioned in some of the comments, I tried using a different approach.
My approach uses GSON library by google.
public class Person{
private String name;
private int age;
// Getter and Setters omitted
You can have a method in utility class that returns Gson instance, this is for the sake of clean code and organisation. I will use GsonBuilder incase someone what to register custom adapter.
public class Utils {
private static Gson gson;
public static Gson getGsonParser() {
if(null == gson) {
GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder();
gson = builder.create();
return gson;
Moment of truth!
Bundle args = new Bundle();
String personJsonString = Utils.getGsonParser().toJson(person);
args.putString(PERSON_KEY, personJsonString);
Bundle args = getArguments();
String personJsonString = args.getString(PERSON_KEY);
Person person= Utils.getGsonParser().fromJson(personJsonString, Person.class);
Currently I don't know the performance limitation of this approach. But it works just fine