For me, this worked:
Remove the fabric and crashlytics frameworks from your project, and delete the files from the disk for our project.
Comment the lines in your appdelegate.m
file, if you added them for the following:
import Fabric/Fabric.h
import Crashlytics/Crashlytics.h
[Fabric with:@[CrashlyticsKit]];
In the fabric app, choose "New app", and select your Xcode project file
Recopy the build script and build as instructed. The build step is why you needed to comment the lines above-- it won't work if you leave those lines in.
After the build script runs, it will prompt you to drag the frameworks from the app window into your project navigator. This will copy the latest versions of he frameworks (which include the .h files) into your project
I have tried manually downloading, and copying from other projects, but this is the only way I could recover after losing the frameworks files for an app.