I know this is an old post, one of many with different ways to update a serialize hash field. I thought I give my version that I accidently found by piecing together some methods. I'll just use my application. This is Rails 7.0.4 and Ruby 3.0. I also use slim templates.
I have a Taxable model that contains semi-persistent tax rates for different Departments. All items are Sales Tax taxable, but in my case, Liquor adds an additional tax. The Taxable table only has two fields with tax
being a serialized JSON field.
create_table "taxables", force: :cascade do |t|
t.date "date"
t.string "tax"
If a Tax is changed or added, the I would add a new record to reflect the change that took place on some date. Any ticket that had a tax in the past would use the record that is the earliest record before the ticket date. Anything new will the new changed record
The Taxable model has a constant that names all taxes that may be used:
TaxesUsed = %w(sales county federal city liquor)
The records would be something like:
id: 2,
date: Sun, 01 Jan 2023,
tax: {"sales"=>"8.0", "county"=>"2.0", "federal"=>"0.0", "city"=>"0.0", "liquor"=>"3.0"} ...
id: 3,
date: Fri, 01 Jan 2021,
tax: {"sales"=>"8.0", "county"=>"2.0", "federal"=>"0.0", "city"=>"0.0", "liquor"=>"4.0"}...
I initially had a kludge that worked, which was creating the hash from some un-permitted parameter and updating the record. I then found mention of using form_with
to describe the Tax field and to my surprise it worked! The form:
= form_with(model: @taxable) do |form|
= form.label :date, style: "display: block"
= form.date_field :date
= form.label :tax, style: "display: block", class:"font-bold"
= form.fields_for :tax do |tax|
# @taxable.tax is the existing serialize tax hash or a new default hash
- @taxable.tax.each do |k,v|
div.w-36.font-bold.text-right = k
= tax.text_field k, value:v
= form.submit
I had to define a new taxable_parmam that states that :tax is a Hash
def taxable_params
params.require(:taxable).permit(:date, :tax => {})
Submitting the form give me params:
Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]",
"taxable"=>{"date"=>"2021-01-01", "tax"=>{"sales"=>"8.0",
"county"=>"2.0", "federal"=>"0.0", "city"=>"0.0",
"liquor"=>"4.0"}}, "commit"=>"Update Taxable", "id"=>"3"}
and it works! I forgot about form_with
but this is about a simple as you can get just using plain ol Rails.
Update: I forgot that stuff coming from form fields is text. I had to get the params to a new hash, change the float values (percents) and update using the new hash