This is the only question I could find relating to reloading .env
and thus config($key)
values on an existing app instance, but many of these answers should probably live on a different question.
I got the following to work for a Laravel 6.x application, while trying to make an artisan command use my cypress environment variables.
For context $this->laravel === app()
* Make the application use the cypress environment variables
* @return void
protected function enableCypressEnv()
// Get all of the original values from config. We need to do this because
// rebuilding config will skip packages.
$old = app(Repository::class)->all();
// Change the applications env file
// Reload the app's environment variables
// Force config to be rebuitl with new env
(new LoadConfiguration())->bootstrap($this->laravel);
// Get all of the new values from buidling with new env
$new = app(Repository::class)->all();
// Merge the new values over the old distinctly
$merged = array_merge_recursive_distinct($old, $new);
// Get the applications configuration instance
$config = config();
// Overwrite all of the values in the container in accordance with the merged values
foreach ($merged as $key => $value) {
$config->set([$key => $value]);
Shoutout to the answers above for pointing me in the right direction, but I will include my answer here as none of them worked perfectly for me.
php artisan migrate
so that I apply the migration – Gastelum