My website uses Facebook Page API to pull public content from a Facebook page, published by the page owner, to create a dynamic blog with a clear link to the Facebook page.
You can see it here in action: (ctrl+F "Facebook"). Yellow button "Načíst další" works as an AJAX pagination. Sorry for the Czech language, this website unfortunately does not have an English version.
I'm using this URL to get JSON object of the page content:<PAGE-ID>/feed?access_token=<TOKEN>&limit=10&fields=message,link,attachments,created_time,full_picture,picture,timeline_visibility
Right now it works, but App review FAQ states this:
My app used to access public content on pages, am I affected by the v3.0 changes?
Yes. Apps that access content of public pages need to request Page Public Content Access feature and require review by Facebook.
Also, there is this notice:
In order to maintain your current API access, your app will need to be submitted for review by August 1, 2018.
I've filled out the form for review. One of the required items is "the screencast".
We need to see your app using Page Public Content Access so we can see that it doesn't violate our policies. Upload a video screencast walkthrough using any method, (even recording with your phone). You must show:
- How a person logs in with Facebook
- How a person sees this feature used in your app
More detailed instructions about the screencast state this however:
You do not need to submit your app if it will only be used by you or by a reduced number of people. Any account listed in the Roles tab in your App Dashboard, such as admins, developers and testers, can access all permissions and generate a user or page access token.
You can use any of these accounts to test your app and create a screencast.
This is incredibly confusing. My questions are:
If my code access the Pages API and shows the result on my website, is it "used by reduced number of people"?
If I do not need to create a screencast, how can I apply for a review? Do I even need it (meaning "will my token work after 1st August")?
If I do need a review with a screencast, what exactly should I record in my case? Should I just stitch a few screencasts of my code and the website to a single video? That, imho, sounds just bonkers. :)
Is there a different endpoint all together (which would not require a review or the screencast) that I should use, if I only need to read the data of my own page?
My old applications are working right now (not sure about August 1, see above). For applications with the same purpose (just to read public content of FB page owned by the owner of application) created after all the fuss with reviews, will there be the same rulset as is for the old ones?
Thanks in advance!
This is what I've heard from the group moderator of official FB support group Facebook Developer Community:
You can use an app in dev mode to retrieve the feed for pages you are admin of. [...] I don't know if August 1 will change the current behavior or if the current behavior is even the intended behavior. [...] Actually I never met a person that was able to predict what will happen in 90+ days ... most experts even fail to predict tomorrow's weather ;) Seriously, I don't know ...
Very frustrating, but so far the most specific answer I got.