When running in compiled mode I get this dreaded GWT Module 'mymodule' may need to be (re)compiled dialog message.
I've compiled a list of the things that others have suggested to try when given this error message by GWT running in compiled mode. I've opened the WAR file created by maven and all the files are in the right place. I confirmed this against another GWT maven project that does not get this error. However, none of the below suggestions have corrected the problem. Nor have I been able to identify what difference is missing between these two projects -- the one that works and mine that will not run in compiled mode.
- does name in html launch page match the module?
- Lots of lame suggestions to add the gwt.codesrv query string param onto the URL. However, the point is to run without in compiled mode. Obviously, I don't want to run in hosted mode. That works. I'm trying to run in compiled mode in Tomcat.
- Clearing browser cache? -- nope. didn't help
- I have not over-riden the "user.agent" property in mymodule.gwt.xml
- add to the maven-clean-plugin configuration your eclipse output directory: src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/classes
What else can I try?