There's another key on the registry that works independently of user's default programs: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations
. Since nobody mentioned it on this question... No need to check ProgID before adding the context menu item. Example:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="Search subtitles..."
@="\"D:\\Tools\\subsearch.exe\" \"%1\""
Additional Considerations:
subtree can be written to but in general is a view formed by merging
- file type registration visible to the current user only
- globally register a file type on a particular computer
You can register to those classes instead/aswell
The (ProgID) defined verbs have priority over the same ones defined in ...\SystemFileAssociations\
, but are dependent on that particular Application, When that application uninstalls, it would normally delete its registry entry, along with what modifications/additions you may have done under that key. Or if the default (ProgID) is changed, your modifications will no longer be in effect.
The ...\SystemFileAssociations\
registrations are stable even when users change/uninstall the default programs.
dword entry, but not sure.) – Accumulator