I am using Ember.js with local-storage-adapter. I have a weird problem while updating records.
I have a post and comments model with hasMany relationships:
App.Post = DS.Model.extend({
title: DS.attr('string'),
comments: DS.hasMany('comment', {
async: true
App.Comment = DS.Model.extend({
message: DS.attr('string')
These are my post and comments controllers:
App.PostsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
newTitle: '',
actions: {
create: function() {
var title = this.get('newTitle');
var post = this.store.createRecord('post', {
title: title
this.set('newTitle', '');
App.CommentsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
needs: "post",
post: Ember.computed.alias("controllers.post.model"),
newMessage: '',
actions: {
create: function() {
var message = this.get('newMessage');
var comment = this.store.createRecord('comment', {
message: message
var post = this.get('post');
var comments = post.get('comments');
if (comments.get('content') == null) comments.set('content', []);
While creating records hasMany relations updated correctly.
"App.Post": {
"records": {
"0v66j": {
"id": "0v66j",
"title": "post1",
"comments": ["p31al", "tgjtj"]
"App.Comment": {
"records": {
"p31al": {
"id": "p31al",
"message": "comment 1"
"tgjtj": {
"id": "tgjtj",
"message": "comment 2"
The problem occured while editing post. The relationships are gone after editing the post record. I did some searching and found this code:
serializeHasMany: function(record, json, relationship) {
var key = relationship.key;
var relationshipType = DS.RelationshipChange.determineRelationshipType(record.constructor, relationship);
// alert(relationshipType);
if (relationshipType === 'manyToNone' || relationshipType === 'manyToMany' || relationshipType === 'manyToOne') {
json[key] = Ember.get(record, key).mapBy('id');
// TODO support for polymorphic manyToNone and manyToMany
// relationships
This did the trick and it worked fine. But now I have another problem. If I edit any other record, all the id references are replaced by whole object like this:
{"App.Post":{"records":{"0v66j":{"id":"0v66j","title":"post2","comments":[**{"message":"comment 1"},
{"message":"comment 2"}**]},"8nihs":{"id":"8nihs","title":"post3","comments":["b4v2b","dbki4"]}}},
"App.Comment":{"records":{"p31al":{"id":"p31al","message":"comment 1"},"tgjtj":{"id":"tgjtj","message":"comment 2"},
Comment refrences should be comments":["p31al","tgjtj"] like this. but the ids are replaced as "comments":[{"message":"comment 1"},{"message":"comment 2"}]