I'm doing a projection in this method:
public async Task<TradeDetail> Get(int tradeId)
var firstOrDefaultAsync = await context.EvgTGTrade
.Where(x => x.IdTrade == tradeId)
.Select(trade => new TradeDetail
Id = trade.IdTrade,
Code = trade.CdTrade,
Description = trade.DeTrade,
Comments = trade.DeComentarios,
TypeId = trade.IdTipoTrade,
BrokerId = trade.EvgTGBrokerTrade.FirstOrDefault().IdBroker,
BillingCycleId = trade.IdCicloFacturacion,
CounterpartId = trade.IdSujeto,
StartDate = trade.FhIni,
EndDate = trade.FhFin,
SignatureDate = trade.FhFirma,
Positions = trade.EvgTGPosicion.Select(pos => new Position
Amount = pos.Cantidad,
Code = pos.CdPosicion,
Description = pos.DePosicion,
LogisticElement = pos.IdElemLogNavigation.DeElemLog,
StartDate = pos.FhIni,
EndDate = pos.FhFin,
FormulaId = pos.IdFormula,
Operations = pos.EvgTGOperacionCv.Select(op =>
new Operation()
TypeId = op.IdTipoOperacion,
Fee = op.Fee,
Date = op.FhOperacionCv,
Price = op.NmPrecio ?? 0,
Quantity = op.NmCantidadKwh ?? 0,
return firstOrDefaultAsync;
I'm getting an exception at the first line saying
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query: Error: An exception occurred while iterating over the results of a query for context type 'SampleApp.EF.MyDbContext'. System.InvalidOperationException: Nullable object must have a value.
I've inspected the exception and the stack trace and it doesn't say anything about which is the problematic object. No clue of what's wrong.
So, is there a method to know which property generates the conflict? I'm sure it's a property-column mismatch, but what if you have a a lot of properties? It's quite painful!
I've already fixed the problem. It was due to an attempt of assigning null to a property in my model that was non-nullable.
That said, this questions isn't about this concrete fix, but about finding a general way to debug this kind of situation (this exception) that are quite common. IMHO, the exception message is too vague. It doesn't provide any useful information of the conflicting property.