I am using an after_commit in my application.
I would like it to trigger only when a particular field is updated in my model. Anyone know how to do that?
I am using an after_commit in my application.
I would like it to trigger only when a particular field is updated in my model. Anyone know how to do that?
Old question, but this is one method that I've found that might work with the after_commit callback (working off paukul's answer). At least, the values both persist post-commit in IRB.
after_commit :callback,
if: proc { |record|
record.previous_changes.key?(:attribute) &&
record.previous_changes[:attribute].first != record.previous_changes[:attribute].last
is sufficient condition, because first and last values are always not equal. –
Remission field_modified?
did not work, this one works for me. Save my life!!! –
Vaucluse (record.previous_changes.keys & [:list, :of, :attributes]).any?
Highbinder previous_changes
can't be trusted in after_commit and can cause you a lot of trouble if you think it can! –
Shackelford Answering this old question because it still pops up in search results
you can use the previous_changes method which returnes a hash of the format:
{ "changed_attribute" => ["old value", "new value"] }
it's what changes was until the record gets actually saved (from active_record/attribute_methods/dirty.rb):
def save(*) #:nodoc:
if status = super
@previously_changed = changes
# .... whatever goes here
so in your case you can check for previous_changes.key? "your_attribute"
or something like that
Old question but still pops up in search results.
As of Rails 5 attribute_changed?
was deprecated. Using saved_change_to_attribute?
instead of attribute_changed?
is recommended.
I don't think you can do it in after_commit
The after_commit is called after the transaction is commited Rails Transactions
For example in my rails console
> record = MyModel.find(1)
=> #<MyModel id: 1, label: "test", created_at: "2011-08-19 22:57:54", updated_at: "2011-08-19 22:57:54">
> record.label = "Changing text"
=> "Changing text"
> record.label_changed?
=> true
> record.save
=> true
> record.label_changed?
=> false
Therefore you won't be able to use the :if
condition on after_commit
because the attribute will not be marked as changed anymore as it has been saved. You may need to track whether the field you are after is changed?
in another callback before the record is saved?
This is a very old problem, but the accepted previous_changes
solution just isn't robust enough. In an ActiveRecord
transaction, there are many reasons why you might save a Model twice. previous_changes
only reflects the result of the final save
. Consider this example
class Test < ActiveRecord::Base
after_commit: :after_commit_test
def :after_commit_test
puts previous_changes.inspect
test = Test.create(number: 1, title: "1")
test = Test.find(test.id) # to initialize a fresh object
test.transaction do
test.update(number: 2)
test.update(title: "2")
which outputs:
{"title"=>["1", "2"], "updated_at"=>[...]}
but, what you need is:
{"title"=>["1", "2"], "number"=>[1, 2], "updated_at"=>[...]}
So, my solution is this:
module TrackSavedChanges
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
# expose the details if consumer wants to do more
attr_reader :saved_changes_history, :saved_changes_unfiltered
after_initialize :reset_saved_changes
after_save :track_saved_changes
# on initalize, but useful for fine grain control
def reset_saved_changes
@saved_changes_unfiltered = {}
@saved_changes_history = []
# filter out any changes that result in the original value
def saved_changes
@saved_changes_unfiltered.reject { |k,v| v[0] == v[1] }
# on save
def track_saved_changes
# maintain an array of ActiveModel::Dirty.changes
@saved_changes_history << changes.dup
# accumulate the most recent changes
@saved_changes_history.last.each_pair { |k, v| track_saved_change k, v }
# v is an an array of [prev, current]
def track_saved_change(k, v)
if @saved_changes_unfiltered.key? k
@saved_changes_unfiltered[k][1] = track_saved_value v[1]
@saved_changes_unfiltered[k] = v.dup
# type safe dup inspred by http://stackoverflow.com/a/20955038
def track_saved_value(v)
rescue TypeError
which you can try out here: https://github.com/ccmcbeck/after-commit
It sounds like you want something like a conditional callback. If you had posted some code I could have pointed you in the right direction however I think you would want to use something like this:
after_commit :callback,
:if => Proc.new { |record| record.field_modified? }
Use gem ArTransactionChanges. previous_changes
is not working for me in Rails 4.0.x
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
include ArTransactionChanges
after_commit :print_transaction_changes
def print_transaction_changes
transaction_changed_attributes.each do |name, old_value|
puts "attribute #{name}: #{old_value.inspect} -> #{send(name).inspect}"
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must be called:record.previous_changes.keys.include?(:attribute)
. With this change, it works for me. – Rueful