I have a local dynamo-db running. I have set up my tables using the JavaScript console and they list OK from there.
I can also put and get items to my tables from the JavaScript console:
var params = { TableName:"environmentId", Item: { environmentId: {"S":"a4fe1736-98cf-4560-bcf4-cc927730dd1b"} }};
dynamodb.putItem(params, function(err, data) {
console.log("put : err was " + JSON.stringify(err) + " and data is " + JSON.stringify(data));
prints put : err was null and data is {}
which I'm assuming is "success" because
params = { "Key":{"environmentId":{"S":"a4fe1736-98cf-45e0-bcf4-cc927730dd1b"}},"TableName":"environmentId"}
dynamodb.getItem(params, function(err, data) {
console.log("get : err was " + JSON.stringify(err) + " and data is " + JSON.stringify(data));
prints get : err was null and data is {"Item":{"environmentId":{"S":"a4fe1736-98cf-45e0-bcf4-cc927730dd1b"}}}
i.e. it retrieves the object I just put to the table.
However, if it fire up the node REPL and type:
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
endpoint = new AWS.Endpoint("http://localhost:8000");
var dynamoOpts = {apiVersion: '2012-08-10', 'endpoint':endpoint};
var dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB(dynamoOpts);
var params = { TableName:"environmentId", Item: { environmentId: {"S":"a4fe1736-98cf-4560-bcf4-cc927730dd1b"} }};
dynamodb.putItem(params, function(err, data) {
console.log("put : err was " + JSON.stringify(err) + " and data is " + JSON.stringify(data));
I get a resource not found error:
{ "message":"Cannot do operations on a non-existent table",
"time":"2015-04 10T10:01:26.319Z",
The ASW.request object returned from the putCommand has the correct endpoint:
{ protocol: 'http:',
host: 'localhost:8000',
port: 8000,
hostname: 'localhost',
pathname: '/',
// etc.
The same thing happens from my Node app however the same code connecting to the real AWS hosted dynamo works.