It is certainly possible. Any solution will center on delivering an event that wraps the functor to a consumer object residing in the desired thread. We shall call this operation metacall posting. The particulars can be executed in several ways.
Qt 5.10 & up TL;DR
// invoke on the main thread
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(qApp, []{ ... });
// invoke on an object's thread
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj, []{ ... });
// invoke on a particular thread
[]{ ... });
TL;DR for functors
// Qt 5.10 & up - it's all done
template <typename F>
static void postToObject(F &&fun, QObject *obj = qApp) {
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj, std::forward<F>(fun));
template <typename F>
static void postToThread(F && fun, QThread *thread = qApp->thread()) {
auto *obj = QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance(thread);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj, std::forward<F>(fun));
// Qt 5/4 - preferred, has least allocations
namespace detail {
template <typename F>
struct FEvent : public QEvent {
using Fun = typename std::decay<F>::type;
Fun fun;
FEvent(Fun && fun) : QEvent(QEvent::None), fun(std::move(fun)) {}
FEvent(const Fun & fun) : QEvent(QEvent::None), fun(fun) {}
~FEvent() { fun(); }
}; }
template <typename F>
static void postToObject(F && fun, QObject * obj = qApp) {
if (qobject_cast<QThread*>(obj))
qWarning() << "posting a call to a thread object - consider using postToThread";
QCoreApplication::postEvent(obj, new detail::FEvent<F>(std::forward<F>(fun)));
template <typename F>
static void postToThread(F && fun, QThread * thread = qApp->thread()) {
QObject * obj = QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance(thread);
QCoreApplication::postEvent(obj, new detail::FEvent<F>(std::forward<F>(fun)));
// Qt 5 - alternative version
template <typename F>
static void postToObject2(F && fun, QObject * obj = qApp) {
if (qobject_cast<QThread*>(obj))
qWarning() << "posting a call to a thread object - consider using postToThread";
QObject src;
QObject::connect(&src, &QObject::destroyed, obj, std::forward<F>(fun),
template <typename F>
static void postToThread2(F && fun, QThread * thread = qApp->thread()) {
QObject * obj = QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance(thread);
QObject src;
QObject::connect(&src, &QObject::destroyed, obj, std::forward<F>(fun),
void test1() {
QThread t;
QObject o;
// Execute in given object's thread
postToObject([&]{ o.setObjectName("hello"); }, &o);
// or
postToObject(std::bind(&QObject::setObjectName, &o, "hello"), &o);
// Execute in given thread
postToThread([]{ qDebug() << "hello from worker thread"; });
// Execute in the main thread
postToThread([]{ qDebug() << "hello from main thread"; });
TL;DR for methods/slots
// Qt 5/4
template <typename T, typename R>
static void postToObject(T * obj, R(T::* method)()) {
struct Event : public QEvent {
T * obj;
R(T::* method)();
Event(T * obj, R(T::*method)()):
QEvent(QEvent::None), obj(obj), method(method) {}
~Event() { (obj->*method)(); }
if (qobject_cast<QThread*>(obj))
qWarning() << "posting a call to a thread object - this may be a bug";
QCoreApplication::postEvent(obj, new Event(obj, method));
void test2() {
QThread t;
struct MyObject : QObject { void method() {} } obj;
// Execute in obj's thread
postToObject(&obj, &MyObject::method);
TL;DR: What about a single shot timer?
All of the above methods work from threads that don't have an event loop. Due to QTBUG-66458, the handy appropriation of QTimer::singleShot
needs an event loop in the source thread as well. Then postToObject
becomes very simple, and you could possibly just use QTimer::singleShot
directly, although it's an awkward name that hides the intent from those unfamiliar with this idiom. The indirection via a function named to better indicate the intent makes sense, even if you don't need the type check:
template <typename F>
static void postToObject(F && fun, QObject * obj = qApp) {
if (qobject_cast<QThread*>(obj))
qWarning() << "posting a call to a thread object - consider using postToThread";
QTimer::singleShot(0, obj, std::forward<F>(fun));
Common Code
Let's define our problem in terms of the following common code. The simplest solutions will post the event to either the application object, iff the target thread is the main thread, or to an event dispatcher for any other given thread. Since the event dispatcher will exist only after QThread::run
has been entered, we indicate the requirement for the thread to be running by returning true from needsRunningThread
namespace FunctorCallConsumer {
bool needsRunningThread() { return true; }
QObject * forThread(QThread * thread) {
QObject * target = thread == qApp->thread()
? static_cast<QObject*>(qApp) : QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance(thread);
Q_ASSERT_X(target, "postMetaCall", "the receiver thread must have an event loop");
return target;
The metacall posting functions, in their simplest form, require the functor call consumer to provide object for a given thread, and instantiate the functor call event. The implementation of the event is still ahead of us, and is the essential difference between various implementations.
The second overload takes a rvalue reference for the functor, potentially saving a copy operation on the functor. This is helpful if the continuation contains data that is expensive to copy.
void postMetaCall(QThread * thread, const std::function<void()> & fun) {
auto receiver = FunctorCallConsumer::forThread(thread);
QCoreApplication::postEvent(receiver, new FunctorCallEvent(fun, receiver));
void postMetaCall(QThread * thread, std::function<void()> && fun) {
auto receiver = FunctorCallConsumer::forThread(thread);
new FunctorCallEvent(std::move(fun), receiver));
For demonstration purposes, the worker thread first posts a metacall to the main thread, and then defers to QThread::run()
to start an event loop to listen for possible metacalls from other threads. A mutex is used to allow the thread user to wait in a simple fashion for the thread to start, if necessitated by the consumer's implementation. Such wait is necessary for the default event consumer given above.
class Worker : public QThread {
QMutex m_started;
void run() {
postMetaCall(qApp->thread(), []{
qDebug() << "worker functor executes in thread" << QThread::currentThread();
Worker(QObject * parent = 0) : QThread(parent) { m_started.lock(); }
~Worker() { quit(); wait(); }
void waitForStart() { m_started.lock(); m_started.unlock(); }
Finally, we start the above worker thread that posts a metacall to the main (application) thread, and the application thread posts a metacall to the worker thread.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
Worker worker;
qDebug() << "worker thread:" << &worker;
qDebug() << "main thread:" << QThread::currentThread();
if (FunctorCallConsumer::needsRunningThread()) {
postMetaCall(&worker, []{ qDebug() << "main functor executes in thread" << QThread::currentThread(); });
if (!FunctorCallConsumer::needsRunningThread()) worker.start();
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&a, "quit", Qt::QueuedConnection);
return a.exec();
The output will look approximately as follows in all implementations. The functors cross the threads: the one created in the main thread is executed in the worker thread, and vice-versa.
worker thread: QThread(0x7fff5692fc20, name = "worker")
main thread: QThread(0x7f86abc02f00, name = "main")
main functor executes in thread QThread(0x7fff5692fc20, name = "worker")
worker functor executes in thread QThread(0x7f86abc02f00, name = "main")
Qt 5 Solution Using a Temporary Object as The Signal Source
The simplest approach for Qt 5 is to use a temporary QObject
as a signal source, and connect the functor to its destroyed(QObject*)
signal. When postMetaCall
returns, the signalSource
gets destructed, emits its destroyed
signal, and posts the metacall to the proxy object.
This is perhaps the most concise and straightforward implementation in the C++11 style. The signalSource
object is used in the C++11 RAII fashion for the side effects of its destruction. The phrase "side effects" has a meaning within C++11's semantics and should not be interpreted to mean "unreliable" or "undesirable" - it's anything but. QObject
's contract with us is to emit destroyed
sometime during the execution of its destructor. We're more than welcome to use that fact.
#include <QtCore>
#include <functional>
namespace FunctorCallConsumer { QObject * forThread(QThread*); }
void postMetaCall(QThread * thread, const std::function<void()> & fun) {
QObject signalSource;
QObject::connect(&signalSource, &QObject::destroyed,
FunctorCallConsumer::forThread(thread), [=](QObject*){ fun(); });
#ifdef __cpp_init_captures
void postMetaCall(QThread * thread, std::function<void()> && fun) {
QObject signalSource;
QObject::connect(&signalSource, &QObject::destroyed,
FunctorCallConsumer::forThread(thread), [fun(std::move(fun))](QObject*){ fun(); });
// Common Code follows here
If we only intend to post to the main thread, the code becomes almost trivial:
void postToMainThread(const std::function<void()> & fun) {
QObject signalSource;
QObject::connect(&signalSource, &QObject::destroyed, qApp, [=](QObject*){
#ifdef __cpp_init_captures
void postToMainThread(std::function<void()> && fun) {
QObject signalSource;
QObject::connect(&signalSource, &QObject::destroyed, qApp, [fun(std::move(fun))](QObject*){
Qt 4/5 Solution Using QEvent Destructor
The same approach can be applied to QEvent
directly. The event's virtual destructor can call the functor. The events are deleted right after they are delivered by the consumer object's thread's event dispatcher, so they always execute in the right thread. This will not change in Qt 4/5.
#include <QtCore>
#include <functional>
class FunctorCallEvent : public QEvent {
std::function<void()> m_fun;
QThread * m_thread;
FunctorCallEvent(const std::function<void()> & fun, QObject * receiver) :
QEvent(QEvent::None), m_fun(fun), m_thread(receiver->thread()) {}
FunctorCallEvent(std::function<void()> && fun, QObject * receiver) :
QEvent(QEvent::None), m_fun(std::move(fun)), m_thread(receiver->thread()) { qDebug() << "move semantics"; }
~FunctorCallEvent() {
if (QThread::currentThread() == m_thread)
qWarning() << "Dropping a functor call destined for thread" << m_thread;
// Common Code follows here
To post to main thread only, things become even simpler:
class FunctorCallEvent : public QEvent {
std::function<void()> m_fun;
FunctorCallEvent(const std::function<void()> & fun) :
QEvent(QEvent::None), m_fun(fun) {}
FunctorCallEvent(std::function<void()> && fun, QObject * receiver) :
QEvent(QEvent::None), m_fun(std::move(fun)) {}
~FunctorCallEvent() {
void postToMainThread(const std::function<void()> & fun) {
QCoreApplication::postEvent(qApp, new FunctorCallEvent(fun);
void postToMainThread(std::function<void()> && fun) {
QCoreApplication::postEvent(qApp, new FunctorCallEvent(std::move(fun)));
Qt 5 Solution Using the Private QMetaCallEvent
The functor can be wrapped in the Qt 5 slot object payload of the QMetaCallEvent
. The functor will be invoked by QObject::event
, and thus can be posted to any object in the target thread. This solution uses the private implementation details of Qt 5.
#include <QtCore>
#include <private/qobject_p.h>
#include <functional>
class FunctorCallEvent : public QMetaCallEvent {
template <typename Functor>
FunctorCallEvent(Functor && fun, QObject * receiver) :
QMetaCallEvent(new QtPrivate::QFunctorSlotObject<Functor, 0, typename QtPrivate::List_Left<void, 0>::Value, void>
(std::forward<Functor>(fun)), receiver, 0, 0, 0, (void**)malloc(sizeof(void*))) {}
// Metacalls with slot objects require an argument array for the return type, even if it's void.
// Common Code follows here
Qt 4/5 Solution Using a Custom Event and Consumer
We reimplement the event()
method of the object, and have it call the functor. This calls for an explicit event consumer object in each thread that the functors are posted to. The object is cleaned up when its thread is finished, or, for the main thread, when the application instance is destructed. It works on both Qt 4 and Qt 5. The use of rvalue references avoids copying of the temporary functor.
#include <QtCore>
#include <functional>
class FunctorCallEvent : public QEvent {
std::function<void()> m_fun;
FunctorCallEvent(const std::function<void()> & fun, QObject *) :
QEvent(QEvent::None), m_fun(fun) {}
FunctorCallEvent(std::function<void()> && fun, QObject *) :
QEvent(QEvent::None), m_fun(std::move(fun)) { qDebug() << "move semantics"; }
void call() { m_fun(); }
class FunctorCallConsumer : public QObject {
typedef QMap<QThread*, FunctorCallConsumer*> Map;
static QObject * m_appThreadObject;
static QMutex m_threadObjectMutex;
static Map m_threadObjects;
bool event(QEvent * ev) {
if (!dynamic_cast<FunctorCallEvent*>(ev)) return QObject::event(ev);
return true;
FunctorCallConsumer() {}
~FunctorCallConsumer() {
qDebug() << "consumer done for thread" << thread();
QMutexLocker lock(&m_threadObjectMutex);
static void deleteAppThreadObject() {
delete m_appThreadObject;
m_appThreadObject = nullptr;
static bool needsRunningThread() { return false; }
static FunctorCallConsumer * forThread(QThread * thread) {
QMutexLocker lock(&m_threadObjectMutex);
Map map = m_threadObjects;
Map::const_iterator it = map.find(thread);
if (it != map.end()) return *it;
FunctorCallConsumer * consumer = new FunctorCallConsumer;
if (thread != qApp->thread())
QObject::connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), consumer, SLOT(deleteLater()));
it = m_threadObjects.find(thread);
if (it == m_threadObjects.end()) {
if (thread == qApp->thread()) {
Q_ASSERT(! m_appThreadObject);
m_appThreadObject = consumer;
m_threadObjects.insert(thread, consumer);
return consumer;
} else {
delete consumer;
return *it;
QObject * FunctorCallConsumer::m_appThreadObject = nullptr;
QMutex FunctorCallConsumer::m_threadObjectMutex;
FunctorCallConsumer::Map FunctorCallConsumer::m_threadObjects;
// Common Code follows here
as the last argument toconnect
, and it's done. But let's wait for an actual answer from someone who knows this stuff. – Hildebrandtconnect
and if I must do that as a work-around, I don't really know what to connect. – Yirinec