I've written a gem elastic-beanstalk which is to be used inside a rails project file structure, as well as in a standalone CI environment where the rails dir and files are not available (without unzipping etc). i.e. the Bamboo build process running eb:package
will yield one primary artifact app.zip
where the deploy plan at a later time and perhaps on another agent can take over and execute eb:deploy
The goal
This is all running fine when inside a rails project structure, so my goal here is to also get this running for the standalone CI environment.
an empty dir (CI environment) with just the app.zip
, eb.yml
, binstubs created, and the gem is available
I run elastic-beanstalk eb:deploy
it should run the equivalent of rake eb:deploy
using this gem's dependencies and lib files.
Update - Bin Stub
It appears that a bin stub may be what I'm looking for. Exploring another SO post, I have tried (to no avail so far) bin/elastic-beanstalk
gem_dir = File.expand_path('..',File.dirname(__FILE__))
$LOAD_PATH.unshift gem_dir# Look in gem directory for resources first.
lib = File.expand_path('lib', gem_dir)
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib)
require 'elastic/beanstalk'
require 'rake'
require 'pp'
Dir.chdir("#{gem_dir}/bin") # We'll load rakefile from the gem's bin dir.
Dir.chdir(pwd) # Revert to original pwd for any path args passed to task.
So this runs, but is still failing with the same dependency problem I began with undefined method 'safe_load_file' for Psych:Module (NoMethodError)
. While I think a binstub is the way to go: