I have a Java EE project which build fine with Ant, deploys perfectly to JBoss, and runs without any trouble. This project includes a few custom tag libraries (which is not JSTL!), which are also working without any difficulties.
The problem is with the Eclipse IDE (Ganymede): in every single JSP file which uses our custom tags, the JSP parser flags the taglib include line with with this error:
Cannot find the tag library descriptor for (example).tld
This also causes every use of the tab library to be flagged as an error, and since the IDE doesn't have their definition, it can't check tag parameters, etc.
Our perfectly-working JSP files are a sea of red errors, and my eyes are beginning to burn.
How can I simply tell Eclipse, "The tag library descriptor you are looking for is "src/web/WEB-INF/(example)-taglib/(example).tld"?
I've already asked this question on the Eclipse support forums, with no helpful results.
file. The real question and answer about how to install JSTL can be found here: Can not find the tag library descriptor for “http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core” – Torry