You could take a look at the unit testing classes available in our SynCommons open source unit. It's used in our Open-Source framework for all regression tests. It's perhaps not the best, but it's worth taking a look at it.
In order to implement an unit test, you just declare a new test case by creating a class like this:
TTestNumbersAdding = class(TSynTestCase)
procedure TestIntegerAdd;
procedure TestDoubleAdd;
procedure TTestNumbersAdding.TestDoubleAdd;
var A,B: double;
i: integer;
for i := 1 to 1000 do
A := Random;
B := Random;
Then you create a test suit, and run it.
In the up-to-come 1.13 version, there is also a new logging mechanism with stack trace of any raised exception and such, just like MadExcept, using .map file content as source.
It's now used by the unit testing classes, so that any failure will create an entry in the log with the source line, and stack trace:
C:\Dev\lib\SQLite3\exe\TestSQL3.exe (2011-04-13)
Host=Laptop User=MyName CPU=2*0-15-1027 OS=2.3=5.1.2600 Wow64=0 Freq=3579545
TSynLogTest 1.13 2011-04-13 05:40:25
20110413 05402559 fail TTestLowLevelCommon(00B31D70) Low level common: TDynArray "" stack trace 0002FE0B SynCommons.TDynArray.Init (15148) 00036736 SynCommons.Test64K (18206) 0003682F SynCommons.TTestLowLevelCommon._TDynArray (18214) 000E9C94 TestSQL3 (163)
The difference between a test suit without logging and a test suit with logging is only this:
procedure TSynTestsLogged.Failed(const msg: string; aTest: TSynTestCase);
with TestCase[fCurrentMethod] do
fLogFile.Log(sllFail,'%: % "%"',
The logging mechanism can do much than just log the testing: you can log recursive calls of methods, select the information you want to appear in the logs, profile the application from the customer side, writing published properties, TList or TCollection content as JSON into the log content, and so on...
The first time the .map file is read, a .mab file is created, and will contain all symbol information needed. You can send the .mab file with the .exe to your client, or even embed its content to the .exe. This .mab file is optimized: a .map of 927,984 bytes compresses into a 71,943 .mab file.
So this unit could be recognized as the natural child of DUnit and MadExcept wedding, in pure OpenSource. :)
Additional information is available on our forum. Feel free to ask. Feedback and feature requests are welcome! Works from Delphi 6 up to XE.