We've got an application which will be using RabbitMQ and have several different queues for passing messages between tiers.
Initially, I was planning to use multiple direct exchanges, with one for each message type, but it looks like having a single topic exchange with queues using different routing key bindings will achieve the same thing.
Having a single exchange also seems like it would be a bit easier to maintain, but I was wondering if there is any benefit (if any) of doing it one way over the other?
Option 1, using multiple direct exchanges:
ExchangeA (type: direct)
ExchangeB (type: direct)
ExchangeC (type: direct)
Option 2, using single topic exchange:
Exchange (type: topic)
-QueueA (receives messages from exchange with routing key of "TypeA")
-QueueB (receives messages from exchange with routing key of "TypeB")
-QueueC (receives messages from exchange with routing key of "TypeC")