I just set up my new homepage at http://ritter.vg. I'm using jQuery, but very minimally.
It loads all the pages using AJAX - I have it set up to allow bookmarking by detecting the hash in the URL.
//general functions
function getUrl(u) {
return u + '.html';
function loadURL(u) {
$.get(getUrl(u), function(r){
//allows bookmarking
var hash = new String(document.location).indexOf("#");
if(hash > 0)
page = new String(document.location).substring(hash + 1);
if(page.length > 1)
But I can't get the back and forward buttons to work.
Is there a way to detect when the back button has been pressed (or detect when the hash changes) without using a setInterval loop? When I tried those with .2 and 1 second timeouts, it pegged my CPU.
event; there is now the HTML5 History API which super-seeds it. Here is a good reference. – Attraction