I see the your question 2 (are you running on Win64?) is already answered. Just keep in mind that for your code to be future-proof, you need to consider that in a (hypothetical) 64-bit Delphi app running on Win64, IsWow64Process would also return FALSE.
As regards your first question - are you on a 64-bit CPU -, you can check the hardware for the respective CPUID feature flag, like in the code below.
function Is64BitProcessor: boolean;
if CpuidAvailable = true then Result := Has64BitFeatureFlag;
which uses the following two low-level functions:
function CPUIDavailable:boolean;
asm // if EFLAGS bit 21 can be modified then CPUID is available
pushfd //Save Flags
pushfd //Copy flags to EAX
pop eax
mov ecx,eax //Make another copy in ECX
btc eax,21 //Complement bit 21
push eax //Copy EAX to flags
pushfd //Copy flags back to EAX
pop eax
cmp eax,ecx //Compare "old" flags value with potentially modified "new" value
setne al //Set return value
popfd //Restore flags
function Has64BitFeatureFlag: boolean;
//IF CPUID.80000001h.EDX[bit29]=1 THEN it's a 64bit processor.
//But we first need to check whether there's a function 80000001h.
push ebx //Save EBX as CPUID will modify EBX
push esi //Save ESI as we'll use ESI internally
xor eax,eax //Setting EAX = input param for CPUID to 0
cpuid //Call CPUID.0
//Returns -> EAX = max "standard" EAX input value
mov esi, eax //Saving MaxStdInput Value
mov eax,80000000h //Setting EAX = input param for CPUID to $80000000
cpuid //Call CPUID.80000000h
//Returns -> EAX = max "extended" EAX input value
//If 80000000h call is unsupported (no 64-bit processor),
//cpuid should return the same as in call 0
cmp eax, esi
je @No64BitProcessor //IF EAX{MaxExtInput} = ESI{MaxStdInput} THEN goto No64BitProcessor;
cmp eax, 80000001h
jb @No64BitProcessor //IF EAX{MaxExtInput} < $80000001 THEN goto No64BitProcessor;
mov eax,80000001h //Call $80000001 is supported, setting EAX:=$80000001
cpuid //Call CPUID.80000001h
//Checking "AMD long mode"/"Intel EM64T" feature bit (i.e., 64bit processor)
bt edx, 29 //by checking CPUID.80000001h.EDX[bit29]
setc al //IF Bit29=1 then AL{Result}:=1{true; it's a 64-bit processor}
jmp @Exit //Exit {Note that Delphi may actually recode this as POP ESI; POP EBX; RET}
xor eax, eax //Result{AL/EAX}:=0{false; it's a 32-bit processor};
pop esi //Restore ESI
pop ebx //Restore EBX
EDIT1: A note on CPUIDavailable
: This is of course assuming a >= 32-bit x86 processor (80386 or later), but Delphi Win32 code won't run on earlier machines anyway. The CPUID instruction was introduced with late 80486 processors.