Additional information...
So you can copy the git repository straight across into the gerrit data location and it will show up after a restart ( or flush of cache ( reindex )).
BUT you will be missing the important configuration from your repository, which may prevent ability to push, create branches, review etc.
If you view the repo you will see it is missing the 'refs/meta/config' branch.
So in an normal system without changes this will inherit from All-Projects, but this could be any Project on your configuration.
Steps to fix configuration:
- List item
- Copy git repo
- Refresh cache / restart gerrit / reindex
- Open repo from project list view
- Click on branches
- Type in the new branch name of "refs/meta/config" at revision "HEAD"
- Click "edit config" from the project general view.
- This creates a file (project.config) in this branch for configuration.
Add some default configuration, either taken from a working repo, or as follows:
inheritFrom = All-Projects
- Click Save, then CLOSE.
- Click Review ( to give it +2)
- Click Publish Edit to save this change into gerrit.
You can now use the repository with sensible inherited configuration the same as your other projects.