The reason why prime numbers are used is to minimize collisions when the data exhibits some particular patterns.
First things first: If the data is random then there’s no need for a prime number, you can do a mod operation against any number and you will have the same number of collisions for each possible value of the modulus.
But when data is not random then strange things happen. For example consider numeric data that is always a multiple of 10.
If we use mod 4 we find:
10 mod 4 = 2
20 mod 4 = 0
30 mod 4 = 2
40 mod 4 = 0
50 mod 4 = 2
So from the 3 possible values of the modulus (0,1,2,3) only 0 and 2 will have collisions, that is bad.
If we use a prime number like 7:
10 mod 7 = 3
20 mod 7 = 6
30 mod 7 = 2
40 mod 7 = 4
50 mod 7 = 1
We also note that 5 is not a good choice but 5 is prime the reason is that all our keys are a multiple of 5. This means we have to choose a prime number that doesn’t divide our keys, choosing a large prime number is usually enough.
So erring on the side of being repetitive the reason prime numbers are used is to neutralize the effect of patterns in the keys in the distribution of collisions of a hash function.