I am trying to run Tomcat 7 as a Windows Service (XP and Windows 7).
I see places to set the -Xmx and -Xms jvm args in catalina.bat, but I'm not sure how to do it when using $CATALINA_HOME/bin/service.bat install service-name. I looked around but the best I could find was that I needed to update windows registry key, though I'm not sure which one to edit.
I'm hoping there's an easier way, is there?
Update: I'm not using the windows installer mainly because I'm running multiple instances of tomcat on the same machine but with different ports (for reasons I'd rather not go into here). If I can use the installer with multiple instances using different ports, then I'd like to know how, but regardless, is it possible to do increase the memory on a tomcat windows service without the UI tools that come with the installer?
. If i do like above as u said, is it enough? And also 2. I want to add-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled
to catalina batch script. How can I? please guide me... – Orebro