How to use pyopenssl to read a pfx file? And how to sign an XML with this SSL certificate?
I'm still having trouble understanding how to read, but I also have no idea how to sign. I thought I'd use the pip signxml library but I do not know if that's the way.
My code so far:
import OpenSSL
def load_public_key(pfx_path, pfx_password):
''' Read the public key and return as PEM encoded '''
# print('Opening:', pfx_path)
with open(pfx_path, 'rb') as f:
pfx_data =
# print('Loading PFX contents:')
pfx = OpenSSL.crypto.load_pkcs12(pfx_data, pfx_password)
public_key = OpenSSL.crypto.dump_publickey(
return public_key
teste = load_public_key("certificates/myfile.pfx", 'mypass')
I need to read a script, sign any XML and get a string with that xml.
DeprecationWarning: PKCS#12 support in pyOpenSSL is deprecated. You should use the APIs in cryptography.
– Fiesole