I finally got this thing working in a non-weird way where users have to authorize twice or other things.
Process explained:
- User tries to authenticate using an identity provider, for the first time => PreSignUp lambda kicks in and check if user exists via email
1a. If the user exists, it will throw an error, eg. CONFIRM_IDENTITY_LINK_token that I'm capturing on the client.
token is a base64 string with the username and identity id ("username:facebook_123456")
1b. If the username does not exist, I create a new user with a temporary password and throw an error FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD_token. Same token but I add the temporary password to this time.
- In the client I have one callback route '/authorize' => this is the one you set up as a callback URL in Cognito, and 2 extra routes: '/confirm-password' and '/configure-password'.
In the /authorize route I'm capturing the errors and getting the attached tokens and redirect to the extra routes: 1a => /configure-password?token=token and 1b => /confirm-password?token=token
For "/confirm-password" I ask the user to confirm its current password in order to authorize linking with the provider, then use the token to log him in with the identity id as clientMetadata, eg "{"LINK_PROVIDER": "facebbok_12345678"}"
On login, I have a PostAuthentication lambda which checks for the "LINK_PROVIDER" in the clientMetadata, and links it to the user.
For "/configure-password" I parse the token and do a "shallow" login with the credentials from the token and identity id as client metadata (same as above) then prompt the user to configure a new password for his account.
I know it might seem a little bit restrictive but I find it better than to authorize twice.
Also, this does not create extra users for identities in the user pool.
Code examples:
PreSignUp lambda
export async function handler(event: PreSignUpTriggerEvent) {
try {
const { userPoolId, triggerSource, request, userName } = event
if (triggerSource === 'PreSignUp_ExternalProvider') {
// Check if user exists in cognito
let currentUser = await getUserByEmail(userPoolId, request.userAttributes.email)
if (currentUser) {
// User exists, thow error with identity id
const identity = Buffer.from(`${currentUser}:${userName}`).toString('base64')
throw new Error(`CONFIRM_USER_IDENTITY_${identity}`)
// Create new Cognito user with temp password
const tempPassword = generatePassword()
currentUser = await createNewUser(userPoolId, request.userAttributes, tempPassword)
// Throw error with token
const state = Buffer.from(`${currentUser}:${tempPassword}:${userName}`).toString('base64')
throw new Error(`FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD_${state}`)
return event
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(error)
PostAuthentication lambda
export async function handler(event: PostAuthenticationTriggerEvent) {
try {
const { userPoolId, request, userName } = event
if (request.clientMetadata?.LINK_IDENTITY) {
const identity = request.clientMetadata['LINK_IDENTITY']
// Link identity to user
await linkIdentityProvider(userPoolId, userName, identity)
return event
} catch (error) {
throw new Error('Internal server error')