Combining several static libraries into one using CMake
Asked Answered



I have a very similar problem to one described on the cmake mailing list where we have a project dependent on many static libraries (all built from source in individual submodules, each with their own CMakeLists.txt describing the build process for each library) that I'd like to combine into a single static library for release to the consumers. The dependencies of my library are subject to change, and I do not want to burden developers further down the chain with those changes. The neat solution would be to bundle all of the libs into one single lib.

Interestingly, the target_link_libraries command does not combine all of the statics when setting the target to mylib and using it like so . .

target_link_libraries(mylib a b c d)

However, bizarrely, if I make the mylib project a submodule of an executable project, and only link against mylib in the top level executable CMAkeLists.txt, the library does seem to be combined. I.e. mylib is 27 MB, instead of the 3MB when I set the target to only build mylib.

There are solutions describing unpacking of the libs into object files and recombining (here, and here), but this seems remarkably clumsy when CMake seems perfectly capable of automatically merging the libs as described in the above example. It there a magic command I'm missing, or a recommended elegant way of making a release library?

Theolatheologian answered 20/6, 2016 at 13:55 Comment(8)
But what will you do with all these include files and dirs?Cabinetwork
@Cabinetwork they are all pimpled off or hidden behind the public interface of mylib. The deps should be invisible to the consumersTheolatheologian
If you are using gcc, and don't require your makefile to be compiler independent, you could try the --whole-archive option.Foreigner
@KarstenKoop needs to be both Apple Clang and GCCTheolatheologian
Possible duplicate #3822416Highly
Hmmm @n.m. I was hoping to have CMake do this in a platform independent way seeing as that is the whole point of the tool. My answer below works, but sucks because of its platform dependenceTheolatheologian
I think you want to study this. It's a fragment of mysql CMake build. They have their own macro to merge libraries. As you can see, when it comes to merging static libraries into a bigger static library, they branch into unix/apple/windows paths. I believe there's no truly portable way to do this.Highly
"the library does seem to be combined. I.e. mylib is 27 MB, instead of the 3MB" Try a verbose build and see what command is used to build the big library.Highly

Given the most simple working example I can think of: 2 classes, a and b, where a depends on b . .


#ifndef A_H
#define A_H

class aclass
    int method(int x, int y);



#include "a.h"
#include "b.h"

int aclass::method(int x, int y) {
    bclass b;
    return x * b.method(x,y);


#ifndef B_H
#define B_H

class bclass
    int method(int x, int y);



#include "b.h"

int bclass::method(int x, int y) {
    return x+y;


#include "a.h"
#include <iostream>

int main()
    aclass a;
    std::cout << a.method(3,4) << std::endl;

    return 0;

It is possible to compile these into separate static libs, and then combine the static libs using a custom target.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.7)

add_library(b b.cpp b.h)
add_library(a a.cpp a.h)
add_executable(main main.cpp)

set(C_LIB ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/libcombi.a)

        COMMAND ar -x $<TARGET_FILE:a>
        COMMAND ar -x $<TARGET_FILE:b>
        COMMAND ar -qcs ${C_LIB} *.o
        DEPENDS a b

add_dependencies(c combined)


target_link_libraries(main c)

It also works just fine using Apple's libtool version of the custom target . . .

        COMMAND libtool -static -o ${C_LIB} $<TARGET_FILE:a> $<TARGET_FILE:b>
        DEPENDS a b

Still seams as though there should be a neater way . .

Theolatheologian answered 21/6, 2016 at 10:10 Comment(5)
This doesn't answer the question. This reply is about combining several object files while the question is about combining several libraries.Lipp
@ctcchen: Well, it looks like the CMakeLists.txt will result in a combined library, libcombi.a. But my question to learnvst is: Does this really require a custom target? Isn't there a more standard mechanism?Frail
@ctcchen Nope, he creates 2 libraries "a" and "b" from a.cpp and b.cpp, he then combines them into library "c".Eduction
Thanks! the corresponding way to do it on Windows is to add a custom command "lib.exe /OUT:combi.lib a.lib b.lib" (good to know that CMake does not provide any helper method, and that we have to manually support each platform separately)Almucantar
If you got error like error: 'libcombi.a', needed by '...', missing and no known rule to make it, you can fix it by adding BYPRODUCTS ${C_LIB} into add_custom_target().Rolypoly

You can use this function to join any number of libraries.

function(combine_archives output_archive list_of_input_archives)
    set(mri_file ${TEMP_DIR}/${output_archive}.mri)
    set(FULL_OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/lib${output_archive}.a)
    file(WRITE ${mri_file} "create ${FULL_OUTPUT_PATH}\n")
    FOREACH(in_archive ${list_of_input_archives})
        file(APPEND ${mri_file} "addlib ${CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/lib${in_archive}.a\n")
    file(APPEND ${mri_file} "save\n")
    file(APPEND ${mri_file} "end\n")

    set(output_archive_dummy_file ${TEMP_DIR}/${output_archive}.dummy.cpp)
    add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${output_archive_dummy_file}
                       COMMAND touch ${output_archive_dummy_file}
                       DEPENDS ${list_of_input_archives})

    add_library(${output_archive} STATIC ${output_archive_dummy_file})
    add_custom_command(TARGET ${output_archive}
                       COMMAND ar -M < ${mri_file})

It has the benefits of using add_custom_command and not add_custom_target. This way, the library (and it's dependencies) are only built when needed and not every time. The drawback is the print of the generation of the dummy file.

Bogeyman answered 8/11, 2018 at 11:14 Comment(5)
While this is good for combining the object files, I think it could be improved by adding a target_link_libraries call to get transitive dependencies.Retroaction
Can you elaborate? Which dependencies are missing?Bogeyman
doesn't work on macos. The -M doesn't exist in the ar command on macos :(Rosaliarosalie
This should be the accepted answer, thanks! Can easily modify the above to use libtool for MacOS, allowing it to work on all Unix-like OS.Deeplaid
As pointed before, this does not get transitive dependencies. If you have lib A B C; where B uses A, and you want to merge B and C, you'd miss A in the merged library.Hemipterous

This doesn't directly answer the question, but I found it useful:

Basic, define a CMake function that will collect all the static libs required by a target and combine them into a single static lib:

add_library(awesome_lib STATIC ...);
bundle_static_library(awesome_lib awesome_lib_bundled)

Here's a copy & paste of the actual function:

function(bundle_static_library tgt_name bundled_tgt_name)
  list(APPEND static_libs ${tgt_name})

  function(_recursively_collect_dependencies input_target)
    set(_input_link_libraries LINK_LIBRARIES)
    get_target_property(_input_type ${input_target} TYPE)
    if (${_input_type} STREQUAL "INTERFACE_LIBRARY")
      set(_input_link_libraries INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES)
    get_target_property(public_dependencies ${input_target} ${_input_link_libraries})
    foreach(dependency IN LISTS public_dependencies)
      if(TARGET ${dependency})
        get_target_property(alias ${dependency} ALIASED_TARGET)
        if (TARGET ${alias})
          set(dependency ${alias})
        get_target_property(_type ${dependency} TYPE)
        if (${_type} STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY")
          list(APPEND static_libs ${dependency})

          GLOBAL PROPERTY _${tgt_name}_static_bundle_${dependency})
        if (NOT library_already_added)
          set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY _${tgt_name}_static_bundle_${dependency} ON)
    set(static_libs ${static_libs} PARENT_SCOPE)


  list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES static_libs)


    file(WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${bundled_tgt_name}
      "CREATE ${bundled_tgt_full_name}\n" )
    foreach(tgt IN LISTS static_libs)
      file(APPEND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${bundled_tgt_name}
        "ADDLIB $<TARGET_FILE:${tgt}>\n")
    file(APPEND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${bundled_tgt_name} "SAVE\n")
    file(APPEND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${bundled_tgt_name} "END\n")

      OUTPUT ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${bundled_tgt_name}.ar
      INPUT ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${bundled_tgt_name}

    set(ar_tool ${CMAKE_AR})
      set(ar_tool ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_AR})

      COMMAND ${ar_tool} -M < ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${bundled_tgt_name}.ar
      DEPENDS ${static_libs}  
      OUTPUT ${bundled_tgt_full_name}
      COMMENT "Bundling ${bundled_tgt_name}"
    find_program(lib_tool lib)

    foreach(tgt IN LISTS static_libs)
      list(APPEND static_libs_full_names $<TARGET_FILE:${tgt}>)

      COMMAND ${lib_tool} /NOLOGO /OUT:${bundled_tgt_full_name} ${static_libs_full_names}
      DEPENDS ${static_libs}          
      OUTPUT ${bundled_tgt_full_name}
      COMMENT "Bundling ${bundled_tgt_name}"
    message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown bundle scenario!")

  add_custom_target(bundling_target ALL DEPENDS ${bundled_tgt_full_name})
  add_dependencies(bundling_target ${tgt_name})

  add_library(${bundled_tgt_name} STATIC IMPORTED)
      IMPORTED_LOCATION ${bundled_tgt_full_name}
  add_dependencies(${bundled_tgt_name} bundling_target)

Contestant answered 11/3, 2021 at 2:13 Comment(2)
Thanks for sharing this! A small improvement to make sure that the target library is generated when one of the dependencies have changed: Add this line to the 'add_custom_command' lines: DEPENDS ${static_libs}Yount
Please note, that the dependencies must have already been loaded by cmake via add_subdirectory(...), otherwise bundle_static_library will not pick up the dependency.Breechloader

If the libraries you are trying to merge are from third parties, then (following learnvst example) this code take care of possible .o file replacements (if for instance both liba and libb have a file name zzz.o)

## Create static library (by joining the new objects and the dependencies)
add_custom_command(OUTPUT lib${PROJECT_NAME}.a
                   COMMAND rm ARGS -f *.o
                   COMMAND ar ARGS -x ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib${PROJECT_NAME}-static.a
                   COMMAND rename ARGS 's/^/lib${PROJECT_NAME}-static./g' *.o
                   COMMAND rename ARGS 's/\\.o/.otmp/g' *.o
                   COMMAND ar ARGS -x ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/a/liba.a
                   COMMAND rename ARGS 's/^/liba./g' *.o
                   COMMAND rename ARGS 's/\\.o/.otmp/g' *.o
                   COMMAND ar ARGS -x ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/b/libb.a
                   COMMAND rename ARGS 's/^/libb./g' *.o
                   COMMAND rename ARGS 's/\\.o/.otmp/g' *.o
                   COMMAND rename ARGS 's/\\.otmp/.o/g' *.otmp
                   COMMAND ar ARGS -r lib${PROJECT_NAME}.a *.o
                   COMMAND rm ARGS -f *.o
                   DEPENDS "${PROJECT_NAME}-static")

add_custom_target(${PROJECT_NAME} ALL DEPENDS lib${PROJECT_NAME}.a)

Otherwise, if the libraries are yours, you should use CMake OBJECT libraries, that are a pretty good mechanism to get them merged.

Doxia answered 14/6, 2018 at 16:10 Comment(1)
You should almost certainly use PROJECT_BINARY_DIR and PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR instead of the CMAKE_... variants. It's getting increasingly popular to import other CMake projects into a "superbuild" and the answer above breaks in that scenario.Orcinol

You can merge two static libs with just add_library.

If there are two static libs target a and b, you can create a new static lib target merged with this code snippet:

add_library(merged STATIC

It will generate a lib file libmerged.a containing object files of both libs a and b.

Richma answered 4/3, 2024 at 7:39 Comment(1)
I modified this approach a little and it worked for me, thanks! What I did was declare my "merged" library at the top of my CMakeLists.txt, and then defined a function for adding new libraries to my project that would also call target_sources() to add each new library's object files to the merged library's sources automatically.Ellington

It seems CMake doesn't support that.

Langelo answered 17/8, 2021 at 7:47 Comment(0)

The proper way to do this is not to fudge around with combining static libraries, but to provide CMake Config files to the user that contain all the necessary bits that link everything the way it's supposed to be linked. CMake can be used to generate these files, or generate pkg-config files, and probably other formats of "tell me how to link with this and that library" tools.

Chances are some users will be interested in what libraries yours link to, and they might even be using their own copies/versions of the same exact libraries when linking yours. It is in exactly this case that your solution is terrible and prevents users from integrating multiple pieces of code, because you decided they must absolutely use your copy of that dependency (which is what you do when you combine static library dependencies into one static library).

Hijack answered 17/8, 2021 at 7:55 Comment(2)
Unless the library is intending to be used in projects not based on CMake.Microgamete
...or the stuff is interleaved static libraries where something refers to something in the guts of say, newlib, but is used in an application as another .a ld won't let you do that- you have to aggregate the .a files or similar to get there. There is no tidy CMake-ish way to DO that one... Next time check to see what they're doing before mouthing off...Ampoule

I created a solution based on zbut's answer, but it supports retrieving the input library paths from given targets and also supports multi-configuration generators like Ninja Multi-Config:

# Combine a list of library targets into a single output archive
# Usage:
# combine_archives(output_archive_name input_target1 input_target2...)
function(combine_archives output_archive)
    # Generate the MRI file for ar to consume.
    # Note that a separate file must be generated for each build configuration.
    set(mri_file ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/$<CONFIG>/${output_archive}.mri)
    set(mri_file_content "create ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/$<CONFIG>/lib${output_archive}.a\n")
    FOREACH(in_target ${ARGN})
        string(APPEND mri_file_content "addlib $<TARGET_FILE:${in_target}>\n")
    string(APPEND mri_file_content "save\n")
    string(APPEND mri_file_content "end\n")
            OUTPUT ${mri_file}
            CONTENT ${mri_file_content}

    # Create a dummy file for the combined library
    # This dummy file depends on all the input targets so that the combined library is regenerated if any of them changes.
    set(output_archive_dummy_file ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${output_archive}.dummy.cpp)
    add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${output_archive_dummy_file}
            COMMAND touch ${output_archive_dummy_file}
            DEPENDS ${ARGN})

    add_library(${output_archive} STATIC ${output_archive_dummy_file})

    # Add a custom command to combine the archives after the static library is "built".
    add_custom_command(TARGET ${output_archive}
            COMMAND ar -M < ${mri_file}
            COMMENT "Combining static libraries for ${output_archive}"

Usage to generate a libTargetC.a from libTargetA.a and libTargetB.a would be something like:

add_library(TargetA STATIC ...)
add_library(TargetB STATIC ...)
combine_archives(TargetC TargetA TargetB)
Fellatio answered 27/9, 2022 at 23:53 Comment(0)

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