Working with maps i have an activity which is launched when no connection is available and uses offline maps (MapQuest). The activity runs fine, map is shown, and all overlays, markers and so on. When the user clicks on one of the markers info window another activity is launched and at this moment i get a bunch of red error messages in the log, though the app does not crash. These messages (the init is in the title) seem to talk about the ZoomButtons and touch events. As for ZoomButtons or touch events (multitouch) in the code, there are only 2 lines :
and not any dialog…
if i write:
map.setBuiltInZoomControls(false); map.setMultiTouchControls(false);
the red error messages disappear but of course the user cannot zoom in or out in any way…
As the error (with the "true" parameter) occurs only when launching another activity i thought that i have to add something in on pause() ie:
---- but doing so does not change anything… Any hint??? - Thanks in advance!