Consider a ASCII text file (lets say it contains code of a non-shell scripting language):
spool on to '$LOG_FILE_PATH/logfile.log';
login 'username' 'password';
Now if this were a shell script I could run it as $ sh Text_File.msh
and the shell would automatically expand the variables.
What I want to do is have shell expand these variables and then create a new file as Text_File_expanded.msh
as follows:
spool on to '/expanded/path/of/the/log/file/../logfile.log';
login 'username' 'password';
$ a=123
$ echo "$a"
So technically this should do the trick:
$ echo "`cat Text_File.msh`" > Text_File_expanded.msh
...but it doesn't work as expected and the output-file while is identical to the source.
So I am unsure how to achieve this.. My goal is make it easier to maintain the directory paths embedded within my non-shell scripts. These scripts cannot contain any UNIX code as it is not compiled by the UNIX shell.