I'm importing mixamo character animations via blender export of gltf, then just using the AnimationPlayer for this example study.
I'm able to save AutoPlay and Loop, but am unable to save a "Call Method Track" and its function, and it's therefore not called.
All the children of the root node have yellow names (but the root is white!?), the scene was created by right clicking the gltf and selecting New Inherited Scene.
Before that I had double clicked the gltf and for each mesh I'd checked Enabled for Save to File.
Also I'd selected certain animations and in the Save to File section I checked Enabled and Keep Custom Tracks.
Changes I make in the inherited scenes' AnimationPlayer Animation are saved and are there unpon reopening, but the function is never called
How do I import a gltf with the ability to save function calls, or, what am I doing wrong please?
3D Enemies With Pathfinding and Animations - Godot 4 FPS Tutorial
Basically I'm doing the same as in the video, around 13:30 is where they set up the function call...
They too have the Import warning, but in their scenegraph everything is white.
BTW: v4.1.2.stable.fedora