Sleep function that is way less than a millisecond-maybe
I found that sleep(0) worked for me. On a system with a near 0% load on the cpu in task manager, I wrote a simple console program and the sleep(0) function slept for a consistent 1-3 microseconds, which is way less than a millisecond.
But from the above answers in this thread, I know that the amount sleep(0) sleeps can vary much more wildly than this on systems with a large cpu load.
But as I understand it, the sleep function should not be used as a timer. It should be used to make the program use the least percentage of the cpu as possible and execute as frequently as possible. For my purposes, such as moving a projectile across the screen in a videogame much faster than one pixel a millisecond, sleep(0) works, I think.
You would just make sure the sleep interval is way smaller than the largest amount of time it would sleep. You don't use the sleep as a timer but just to make the game use the minimum amount of cpu percentage possible. You would use a separate function that has nothing to do is sleep to get to know when a particular amount of time has passed and then move the projectile one pixel across the screen-at a time of say 1/10th of a millisecond or 100 microseconds.
The pseudo-code would go something like this.
while (timer1 < 100 microseconds) {
if (timer2 >=100 microseconds) {
move projectile one pixel
//Rest of code in iteration here
I know the answer may not work for advanced issues or programs but may work for some or many programs.
. – Nuclei