I have some object types that I'd like to use as both input and output - for instance a currency type or a reservation type.
How do I define my schema to have a type that supports both input and output - I don't want to duplicate code if I don't have to. I'd also prefer not to create duplicate input types of things like currency and status enums.
export const ReservationInputType = new InputObjectType({
name: 'Reservation',
fields: {
hotelId: { type: IntType },
rooms: { type: new List(RoomType) },
totalCost: { type: new NonNull(CurrencyType) },
status: { type: new NonNull(ReservationStatusType) },
export const ReservationType = new ObjectType({
name: 'Reservation',
fields: {
hotelId: { type: IntType },
rooms: { type: new List(RoomType) },
totalCost: { type: new NonNull(CurrencyType) },
status: { type: new NonNull(ReservationStatusType) },