I just wanted to supplement MajesticRa's recommendation of OxyPlot, and point out how OxyPlot can be used for a variety of plotting cases. The software is free and Open-Source, very polished, and allows for a variety of uses beyon normal 2D mapping.
I've been using OxyPlot for an unorthodox project, where I display (in WPF/C#) a map (Robotic Occupancy Grid) which I could overlay with LineSeries (Path Traveled) and PointSeries (Way Points). Using the OxyPlot ImageAnnotation feature I am able to display 60Hz Video within my OxyPlot, by periodically updating the ImageAnnotation on its own thread, while mapping Series of points overtop the video. The background video and points are even scalable and translatable.
Hopefully this is helpful for other looking to display plots overtop of images and videos.