- variables defined with
in the main script body cannot be accessed from other methods.
- variables defined without
can be accessed directly by any method even from different scripts. It's a bad practice.
- variables defined with
and @Field
annotation can be accessed directly from methods defined in the same script.
When groovy compiles that script it actually moves everything to a class that roughly looks something like this
class Script1 {
def pr() {
def another_var = "another " + some_var
echo "${another_var}"
def run() {
def some_var = "some value"
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage ("Run") {
steps {
You can see that some_var
is clearly out of scope for pr()
becuse it's a local variable in a different method.
When you define a variable without def
you actually put that variable into a Binding of the script (so-called binding variables). So when groovy executes pr()
method firstly it tries to find a local variable with a name some_var
and if it doesn't exist it then tries to find that variable in a Binding (which exists because you defined it without def
Binding variables are considered bad practice because if you load multiple scripts (load
step) binding variables will be accessible in all those scripts because Jenkins shares the same Binding for all scripts. A much better alternative is to use @Field
annotation. This way you can make a variable accessible in all methods inside one script without exposing it to other scripts.
import groovy.transform.Field
def some_var = "some value"
def pr() {
def another_var = "another " + some_var
echo "${another_var}"
//your pipeline
When groovy compiles this script into a class it will look something like this
class Script1 {
def some_var = "some value"
def pr() {
def another_var = "another " + some_var
echo "${another_var}"
def run() {
//your pipeline
. Your answer goes beyond my expectations! – Dejection