There are two ways to achieve this. I have tested both approaches against the github-pages version of Jekyll.
Using Capture
Assuming you are referencing {{ foo }}
in the code of your include, you need to assign a value to foo before calling the include.
Such as:
{% capture foo %}{{ baz.quux }}{% endcapture %}
{% include function.liquid %}
Using parameters to Include
This allows you to control the scope of the variable, which it looks like you want. There is some detail of how to set this up in the templates documentation.
You were nearly right with the syntax, in the template you would use:
{% include function.liquid foo=baz.quux %}
The part that was missing is that the variable needs to be referenced differently in the code of the include file, you need to use {{ }}
In Shopify Liquid
As of 2021, you can do the following:
{% include 'snippet-file' with bar, foo: baz, foo2: baz2 %}
and in the snippet file, retrieve bar with {{ snippet-file }}
and baz with {{ foo }}
For Liquid statements, just use the variable name without {{ }}
, example:
{% if snippet-file==0 and foo2==':)' %}
Note that it won't work as include.foo2
like it was shown in the previous section.
Also note that include
is deprecated, and for new development you should use render
in a similar fashion.