I am trying to test a style attribute for a React component. What is the best way to get style params in the test?
At this moment, my best option is to test if the HTML includes the string, but I think there is a better option.
it('Should render large image when desktop', () => {
const dummyUrl = 'http://dummyUrl';
const wrapper = shallow(
app: fromJS({ browser: { desktop: true } }),
<LandingHero bigImage={dummyUrl} />
The Component to test is:
// @flow
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import gc from 'styles/core.scss';
import $ from 'jquery';
import DownloadButton from 'components/DownloadButton';
import withStyles from 'isomorphic-style-loader/lib/withStyles';
import DownArrow from 'components/DownArrow';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import type { Map } from 'immutable';
import c from './styles.scss';
@withStyles([gc, c])
@connect(({ app }) => ({ app }))
class LandingHero extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
if ($(window).height() > 0) { // Necesary for webpack dev server
$(this.hero).css('height', $(window).height() - 46);
hero: HTMLElement;
props: {
app: Map<string, any>,
copy: string,
secondaryText: string,
thirdText: string,
bigImage?: string,
smallImage: string,
render() {
const { copy, secondaryText, thirdText } = this.props;
const browser = this.props.app.has('browser') ? this.props.app.get('browser') : {};
const backgroundImage = browser.desktop ? this.props.bigImage : this.props.smallImage;
return (
className={`${c.hero} ${gc.textCenter}` +
` ${gc.alignMiddle} ${gc.alignCenter} ${gc.row} ${gc.expanded}`}
ref={(hero) => { this.hero = hero; }}
margin: 0,
position: 'relative',
background: `linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba($ixdarkprimary, .3), rgba($ixdarkprimary, .3)), url(${backgroundImage || ''})`,
<div className={`${gc.row} ${gc.alignCenter} ${gc.alignMiddle} ${gc.column} ${gc.medium10}`}>
<div className={`${gc.textCenter}`}>
className={`${gc.white} ${c.mainText} ${c.copy}`}
{ copy }
<div className={`${gc.small6} ${gc.smallOffset3} ${gc.medium4} ${gc.mediumOffset4}`} style={{ marginBottom: 45 }}>
<DownloadButton />
<div className={`${gc.white} ${gc.fontBold} ${gc.font24}`}>{secondaryText}</div>
<p className={`${gc.white} ${gc.font20}`}>{thirdText}</p>
<DownArrow goTo="#content" />
export default LandingHero;
Cannot read property 'textCenter' of undefined
because the${gc.textCenter}
– Welfordimport ConnLandingHero, { LandingHero } from "../LandingHero";
It's saved our team a lot of time. – Enclosure