I want to have a "Customer
" Model with a normal primary key and another column to store a custom "Customer Number". In addition, I want the db to handle default Customer Numbers. I think, defining a sequence is the best way to do that. I use PostgreSQL. Have a look at my migration:
class CreateAccountsCustomers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
say "Creating sequenze for customer number starting at 1002"
execute 'CREATE SEQUENCE customer_no_seq START 1002;'
create_table :accounts_customers do |t|
t.string :type
t.integer :customer_no, :unique => true
t.integer :salutation, :limit => 1
t.string :cp_name_1
t.string :cp_name_2
t.string :cp_name_3
t.string :cp_name_4
t.string :name_first, :limit => 55
t.string :name_last, :limit => 55
say "Adding NEXTVAL('customer_no_seq') to column cust_id"
execute "ALTER TABLE accounts_customers ALTER COLUMN customer_no SET DEFAULT NEXTVAL('customer_no_seq');"
def down
drop_table :accounts_customers
execute 'DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS customer_no_seq;'
If you know a better "rails-like" approach to add sequences, would be awesome to let me know.
Now, if I do something like
cust = Accounts::Customer.new
the field customer_no
is not pre filled with the next value of the sequence (should be 1002).
Do you know a good way to integrate sequences? Or is there a good plugin? Cheers to all answers!