Hi all! I made my world a specific way that worked well, but now I need to change up the system to allow it to be bigger and more dynamic. In my old system, to get references to nodes like minable rocks and choppable trees I did a simple "get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("Tree")" and just looped through everything. Got me all my tree nodes and worked just fine! But now I need to split up my world into chunks, and this isn't going to work.
I have all the different chunks of my world as their own scene. Now I am bringing all those chunk scenes together into a single world scene. and I need each chunk to get all the rocks, trees, etc nodes that are children. But I have no idea how to do that.
I imagine I need to start with a loop. Then loop through every child? And check if the child is in a specific group? Or is there a better way to do this? SHould I be searching by group or should I be searching for a specific script on the node? (All these nodes have the same script of OBJECT)