I started using jQuery as soon as I found out about it, it is very powerfull but I started struggling when I tried to load Gmaps api into the tabs jQuery UI brings. Strangly enough in IE 6,7,8 it works fine, but in Firefox, Safari (I'm using mac but tested it in windows and they both give the same problems) the map doesn't load entirely. When I click on the tab where the map loads in, only part of the map is fully operational, the rest is grey and not clickable. Please take a look at the link below and click the third tab in firefox/safari and IE and you will see the problem.
I don't know if it is a bug in the jQuery UI code or I'm doing something wrong. If I load the map out of the tabs the map is shown OK.
I'm fighting with this problem for a week and a half... any help will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance. Luis