Memory is an issue for iphone ipad app, especially for ipad, if one wants to do something big.
Well, these two snippets of codes can 1. get current available memory of the device; 2. force free memory.
Can we use it in the app? Will appstore allow this?
#import <mach/mach.h>
#import <mach/mach_host.h>
static void print_free_memory () {
mach_port_t host_port;
mach_msg_type_number_t host_size;
vm_size_t pagesize;
host_port = mach_host_self();
host_size = sizeof(vm_statistics_data_t) / sizeof(integer_t);
host_page_size(host_port, &pagesize);
vm_statistics_data_t vm_stat;
if (host_statistics(host_port, HOST_VM_INFO, (host_info_t)&vm_stat, &host_size) != KERN_SUCCESS)
NSLog(@"Failed to fetch vm statistics");
/* Stats in bytes */
natural_t mem_used = (vm_stat.active_count +
vm_stat.inactive_count +
vm_stat.wire_count) * pagesize;
natural_t mem_free = vm_stat.free_count * pagesize;
natural_t mem_total = mem_used + mem_free;
NSLog(@"used: %u free: %u total: %u", mem_used, mem_free, mem_total);
Free memory
/* Allocate the remaining amount of free memory, minus 2 megs * /
size_t size = freemem - (2*1024*1024);
void *allocation = malloc(size);
bzero(allocation, size);