The semantics of 'contains' is not straightforward at all. In general, it would be better to use 'index' to test if an array has a specific value, e.g.
.fruit | index( "orange" )
However, if the item of interest is itself an array, the general form:
ARRAY | index( [ITEM] )
should be used, e.g.:
[1, [2], 3] | index( [[2]] ) #=> 1
If your jq has IN/1
then a better solution is to use it:
.fruit as $f | "orange" | IN($f[])
If your jq has first/1
(as does jq 1.5), then here is a fast definition of IN/1
to use:
def IN(s): first((s == .) // empty) // false;
Another efficient alternative that is sometimes more convenient is to use any/2
, e.g.
any(.fruit[]; . == "orange")
or equivalently:
any(.fruit[] == "orange"; .)
cat fruit.json | jq '.fruit as $f | "orange" | in($f[])'
=>jq: error (at <stdin>:9): Cannot check whether string has a string key
. I'm on jq 1.5.1. – Attic