I would like to check if a NSDate is before (in the past) by comparing it to the current date. How would I do this?
I would like to check if a NSDate is before (in the past) by comparing it to the current date. How would I do this?
I find the earlierDate
if date1.earlierDate(date2).isEqualToDate(date1) {
print("date1 is earlier than date2")
You also have the laterDate
Swift 3 to swift 5:
if date1 < date2 {
print("date1 is earlier than date2")
If you need to compare one date with now without creation of new Date object you can simply use this in Swift 3:
if (futureDate.timeIntervalSinceNow.sign == .plus) {
// date is in future
if (dateInPast.timeIntervalSinceNow.sign == .minus) {
// date is in past
There is a simple way to do that. (Swift 3 is even more simple, check at end of answer)
Swift code:
if myDate.timeIntervalSinceNow.isSignMinus {
//myDate is earlier than Now (date and time)
} else {
//myDate is equal or after than Now (date and time)
If you need compare date without time ("MM/dd/yyyy").
Swift code:
//Ref date
let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"
let someDate = dateFormatter.dateFromString("03/10/2015")
//Get calendar
let calendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()
//Get just MM/dd/yyyy from current date
let flags = NSCalendarUnit.CalendarUnitDay | NSCalendarUnit.CalendarUnitMonth | NSCalendarUnit.CalendarUnitYear
let components = calendar.components(flags, fromDate: NSDate())
//Convert to NSDate
let today = calendar.dateFromComponents(components)
if someDate!.timeIntervalSinceDate(today!).isSignMinus {
//someDate is berofe than today
} else {
//someDate is equal or after than today
Apple docs link here.
Edit 1: Important
From Swift 3 migration notes:
The migrator is conservative but there are some uses of NSDate that have better representations in Swift 3:
(x as NSDate).earlierDate(y)
can be changed tox < y ? x : y
(x as NSDate).laterDate(y)
can be changed tox < y ? y : x
So, in Swift 3 you be able to use comparison operators.
You don't need to extend NSDate here, just use "compare" as illustrated in the docs.
For example, in Swift:
if currentDate.compare(myDate) == NSComparisonResult.OrderedDescending {
println("myDate is earlier than currentDate")
is an instance of NSDate
. Check the link which nick added, and you'll see this in the docs: func compare(_ other: NSDate) -> NSComparisonResult
, hence: other
is myDate
. –
Plowboy You can extend NSDate
to conform to the Equatable
and Comparable
protocols. These are comparison protocols in Swift and allow the familiar comparison operators (==, <, > etc.) to work with dates. Put the following in a suitably named file, e.g. NSDate+Comparison.swift
in your project:
extension NSDate: Equatable {}
extension NSDate: Comparable {}
public func ==(lhs: NSDate, rhs: NSDate) -> Bool {
return lhs.timeIntervalSince1970 == rhs.timeIntervalSince1970
public func <(lhs: NSDate, rhs: NSDate) -> Bool {
return lhs.timeIntervalSince1970 < rhs.timeIntervalSince1970
Now you can check if one date is before another with standard comparison operators.
let date1 = NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970: 30)
let date2 = NSDate()
if date1 < date2 {
For information on extensions in Swift see here. For information on the Equatable and Comparable protocols see here and here, respectively.
Note: In this instance we're not creating custom operators, merely extending an existing type to support existing operators.
Here is an extension in Swift to check if the date is past date.
extension Date {
var isPastDate: Bool {
return self < Date()
let someDate = Date().addingTimeInterval(1)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
In Swift5
let nextDay = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .day, value: -1, to: Date())
let toDay = Date()
if nextDay! < toDay {
print("date1 is earlier than date2")
let nextDay = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .month, value: 1, to: Date())
let toDay = Date()
if nextDay! >= toDay {
print("date2 is earlier than date1")
In Swift 4 you can use this code
if endDate.timeIntervalSince(startDate).sign == FloatingPointSign.minus {
// endDate is in past
we can use < for checking date:
if myDate < Date() {
Since Swift 3, Dates are comparable so
if date1 < date2 { // do something }
They're also comparable so you can compare with ==
if you want.
Upgrading Vagner's answer to Swift 5:
import Foundation
//Ref date
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"
//Get calendar
let calendar = NSCalendar.current
//Get just MM/dd/yyyy from current date
let flags: Set<Calendar.Component> = [Calendar.Component.day, Calendar.Component.month, Calendar.Component.year]
let components = calendar.dateComponents(flags, from: Date())
//Convert to NSDate
if let today = calendar.date(from: components), let someDate = dateFormatter.date(from: "03/10/2015"), someDate.timeIntervalSince(today).sign == .minus {
//someDate is berofe than today
} else {
//someDate is equal or after than today
Made a quick Swift 2.3 function out of this
// if you omit last parameter you comare with today
// use "11/20/2016" for 20 nov 2016
func dateIsBefore(customDate:String, referenceDate:String="today") -> Bool {
let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"
let myDate = dateFormatter.dateFromString(customDate)
let refDate = referenceDate == "today"
? NSDate()
: dateFormatter.dateFromString(referenceDate)
if NSDate().compare(myDate!) == NSComparisonResult.OrderedDescending {
return false
} else {
return true
Use it like this to see if your date is before today's date
if dateIsBefore("12/25/2016") {
print("Not Yet Christmas 2016 :(")
} else {
print("Christmas Or Later!")
Or with a custom reference date
if dateIsBefore("12/25/2016", referenceDate:"12/31/2016") {
print("Christmas comes before new years!")
} else {
print("Something is really wrong with the world...")
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