I need to detect if browser is IE or Edge with Angular (TypeScript). Is it possible? If so, how?
I have used this before and it worked well.
const isIEOrEdge = /msie\s|trident\/|edge\//i.test(window.navigator.userAgent)
here, const
should be more appropriate. –
Picker mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 10.0; win64; x64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/96.0.4664.55 safari/537.36 edg/96.0.1054.41
Sparklesparkler Please use the following code:
// Opera 8.0+
var isOpera = (!!window.opr && !!opr.addons) || !!window.opera || navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' OPR/') >= 0;
// Firefox 1.0+
var isFirefox = typeof InstallTrigger !== 'undefined';
// Safari 3.0+ "[object HTMLElementConstructor]"
var isSafari = /constructor/i.test(window.HTMLElement) || (function (p) { return p.toString() === "[object SafariRemoteNotification]"; })(!window['safari'] || safari.pushNotification);
// Internet Explorer 6-11
var isIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false || !!document.documentMode;
// Edge 20+
var isEdge = !isIE && !!window.StyleMedia;
// Chrome 1+
//var isChrome = !!window.chrome && !!window.chrome.webstore;
// If isChrome is undefined, then use:
var isChrome = !!window.chrome && (!!window.chrome.webstore || !!window.chrome.runtime);
// Blink engine detection
var isBlink = (isChrome || isOpera) && !!window.CSS;
var output = 'Detecting browsers by ducktyping:<hr>';
output += 'isFirefox: ' + isFirefox + '<br>';
output += 'isChrome: ' + isChrome + '<br>';
output += 'isSafari: ' + isSafari + '<br>';
output += 'isOpera: ' + isOpera + '<br>';
output += 'isIE: ' + isIE + '<br>';
output += 'isEdge: ' + isEdge + '<br>';
output += 'isBlink: ' + isBlink + '<br>';
document.body.innerHTML = output;
!!window['chrome']&& !!window['chrome']['webstore']
Tiberius chrome.webstore
is undefined in recent version. Use !!window.chrome && (!!window.chrome.webstore || !!window.chrome.runtime);
instead –
Hebert ngOnInit
and set a boolean hideSite == true
then put *ngIf="!hideSite"
on your router-outlet
in app.component.ts
. If you want to do anything else that's kind of out of scope without more detailed requirements! –
Walloon For people still finding this thread:
If you're on Angular 10 or above, I suggest using the PlatformModule
, which was added to the Angular Material CDK in version 10.
Sparklesparkler EDGE: false
is looking for the old Microsoft Edge browser, which is not Chromium based. –
Sporting This worked for me:
public getBrowserName() {
const agent = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()
switch (true) {
case agent.indexOf('edge') > -1:
return 'edge';
case agent.indexOf('opr') > -1 && !!(<any>window).opr:
return 'opera';
case agent.indexOf('chrome') > -1 && !!(<any>window).chrome:
return 'chrome';
case agent.indexOf('trident') > -1:
return 'ie';
case agent.indexOf('firefox') > -1:
return 'firefox';
case agent.indexOf('safari') > -1:
return 'safari';
return 'other';
After you called getBrowserName()
you can compare the return value with ==='edge'
to see if you are operating in the edge browser.
case agent.indexOf('edg') > -1: return 'edge';
Sparklesparkler agent.indexOf('safari') > -1
it would evaluate to true on almost every modern browser, since most browsers repeat parts of their user-agent strings, so this detection here relies on the order the evaluations are made –
Moua For angular users, you can use this module
npm install ngx-device-detector --save
Above answers din't work for me
deviceInfo: {"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.100 Safari/537.36","os":"Windows","browser":"Chrome","device":"Unknown","os_version":"windows-10","browser_version":"75.0.3770.100"}
. Plus, it's the angular way! –
Snot Browsers userAgent tend to differ and evolve over time. Instead of manually parsing the userAgent, consider using a well-maintained library that ensures future support. The most popular options are:
1. UAParser.js
This excellent library will analyze the client browser, engine, OS, CPU, and Device type/model from User-Agent data with a relatively small footprint. It's highly maintained and extremely popular (7.3M weekly downloads ATTOW). Usage is easy:
import { UAParser } from 'ua-parser-js';
const parser = new UAParser();
const result = parser.getResult();
const isEdge = result.browser == 'Edge';
2. Angular Material
The "Platform" detection module was introduced in Angular Material V6.4.7:
Platform: service to detect the current platform by comparing the userAgent strings and checking browser-specific global properties.
Important note on EDGE detection: Since version 79 EDGE uses the Blink browser engine, so this option works only for old EDGE versions.
Import the Platform
service and check directly for EDGE
(or any other browser / OS):
import { Platform } from '@angular/cdk/platform';
export class AppService {
isEdge: boolean;
constructor(private platform: Platform) {
this.isEdge = this.platform.EDGE; // or IOS, SAFARI, ANDROID, etc.
if you are happy with using the external module , you can use the ngx-device-detector.
$ npm install ngx-device-detector --save
Usage :
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { DeviceDetectorModule } from 'ngx-device-detector';
declarations: [
imports: [
In your component where you want to use the Device Service
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { DeviceDetectorService } from 'ngx-device-detector';
selector: 'home', // <home></home>
styleUrls: [ './home.component.scss' ],
templateUrl: './home.component.html',
export class HomeComponent {
deviceInfo = null;
constructor(..., private http: Http, private deviceService: DeviceDetectorService) {
epicFunction() {
console.log('hello `Home` component');
this.deviceInfo = this.deviceService.getDeviceInfo();
const isMobile = this.deviceService.isMobile();
const isTablet = this.deviceService.isTablet();
const isDesktopDevice = this.deviceService.isDesktop();
console.log(isMobile); // returns if the device is a mobile device (android / iPhone / windows-phone etc)
console.log(isTablet); // returns if the device us a tablet (iPad etc)
console.log(isDesktopDevice); // returns if the app is running on a Desktop browser.
Device service Holds the following properties
- browser
- os
- device
- userAgent
- os_version
Helper Methods
isMobile() : returns if the device is a mobile device (android / iPhone/ windows-phone etc)
isTablet() : returns if the device us a tablet (iPad etc)
isDesktop() : returns if the app is running on a Desktop browser
Here is the Documents link: https://koderlabs.github.io/ngx-device-detector/index.html
You can use regex with useragent for detecting IE.
private isIE() {
const match = navigator.userAgent.search(/(?:Edge|MSIE|Trident\/.*; rv:)/);
let isIE = false;
if (match !== -1) {
isIE = true;
return isIE;
but, Its always recommended to use feature detection instead of browser detection. You can use modernizr library for that https://modernizr.com
You can get the browser name using the following code :
let match = navigator.userAgent.search(/(?:Edge|MSIE|Trident\/.*; rv:)/);
let isIE = false;
if (match !== -1) {
isIE = true;
to the regex search. –
Sparklesparkler To detect if the browser is based on Chromium, use the following code:
const isChromiumBased =
!!window["chrome"] &&
(!!window["chrome"]["webstore"] || !!window["chrome"]["runtime"]);
!!(window.chrome && (window.chrome.webstore || window.chrome.runtime))
Seller If you want to show message when browser detect IE(5,6,7,8) then you can used line of code.
Firstly this code used only in index.html file becasue compiler firstly read this file.
<p id="NRL" style="background-color: aquamarine;text-align: center"></p>
let isIE1 =/^.*MSIE [5-9]/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent);
alert('you are using older version of IE .........')
document.getElementById("NRL").innerHTML = "you are using older version of IE .........";
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