As wikipedia says, Median-of-Medians is theoretically o(N), but it is not used in practice because the overhead of finding "good" pivots makes it too slow.
Here is Java source for a Quickselect algorithm to find the k'th element in an array:
* Returns position of k'th largest element of sub-list.
* @param list list to search, whose sub-list may be shuffled before
* returning
* @param lo first element of sub-list in list
* @param hi just after last element of sub-list in list
* @param k
* @return position of k'th largest element of (possibly shuffled) sub-list.
static int select(double[] list, int lo, int hi, int k) {
int n = hi - lo;
if (n < 2)
return lo;
double pivot = list[lo + (k * 7919) % n]; // Pick a random pivot
// Triage list to [<pivot][=pivot][>pivot]
int nLess = 0, nSame = 0, nMore = 0;
int lo3 = lo;
int hi3 = hi;
while (lo3 < hi3) {
double e = list[lo3];
int cmp = compare(e, pivot);
if (cmp < 0) {
} else if (cmp > 0) {
swap(list, lo3, --hi3);
if (nSame > 0)
swap(list, hi3, hi3 + nSame);
} else {
swap(list, lo3, --hi3);
assert (nSame > 0);
assert (nLess + nSame + nMore == n);
assert (list[lo + nLess] == pivot);
assert (list[hi - nMore - 1] == pivot);
if (k >= n - nMore)
return select(list, hi - nMore, hi, k - nLess - nSame);
else if (k < nLess)
return select(list, lo, lo + nLess, k);
return lo + k;
I have not included the source of the compare and swap methods, so it's easy to change the code to work with Object[] instead of double[].
In practice, you can expect the above code to be o(N).
extract one by one n/2 elements
takes O(nlogn) time.) – Interoffice