I have a Rails 4.1.0 mountable engine. In the engine's application_helper.rb:
module MyEngine
module ApplicationHelper
def test123
The method is in the dummy app's view general/index.html.erb
%<= test123 %>
This works. However, when I change the string returned by def test123
and refresh the browser, the new string is not displayed.
Of course, restarting the web server in the dummy app shows the new string.
So the question is, how to reload the engine's files without having to restart the web server?
PS. I am preferably looking for a way to do this using Rails itself, or a specific gem that solves this problem (but not the generic gems like Guard, Spork etc. although if all else fails, I will consider those too.)
PPS. There are similar questions on SO, but I have tried them all (even though they are for Rails 2.x, 3.x), and they have not worked for me.