The solution with setting a custom view
on Toast
is deprecated for API 30 and forward.
Documentation says
* targeting API level {@link Build.VERSION_CODES#R} or higher that are in the background
* will not have custom toast views displayed.
The alternative is
HtmlCompat.fromHtml("<font color='red'>custom toast message</font>", HtmlCompat.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY),
Html color tag can also be <font color='#ff6347'>
For every modification that has to do with the text displayed the above solution would be enough. You can for example make the text bold by inserting <b>my text</b>
or you maybe want to change the font-family
with <font font-family='...'> my text </font>
For all those changes that solution will be enough.
If you want to modify the container though with properties like background-color
the only alternative is to use Snackbar
. View
can not be modified for Toast