While looking over some code I found loopy and algorithmically slow implementation of std::set_difference :
for(int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
iter = std::find(b.begin(),b.end(),a[i]);
if(iter != b.end())
It can be easily replaced with sort(vectors are not sorted) + set_difference, but that requires allocation of new memory(see my recent Q Can output of set difference be stored in first input? why it cant be done "inplace").
So my solution would be something like:
sort(a.begin(), a.end());
for(size_t i = 0; i < b.size(); i++)
if (binary_search(a.begin(), a.end(), b[i]))
swap(b[i], b[b.size()-1]); //remove current element by swapping with last
b.pop_back(); // and removing new last by shrinking
can it be done more elegantly?
elegant is subjective so within scope of this Q is defined as clearer code(ideally something from STL algorithms but I think it cant be done) but with no memory allocation and no increase in alg complexity.
one of the inputs toset_difference
? If so, you're modifying the range that has been passed to you, which the caller may not be thrilled about. Of course, you could make a local copy, but now that solution is starting to look less attractive. – Minard