I think I have a solution which improves a little on Ryan's answer from March 5th.
Rather than re-loading the Facebook iframe after a delay, you could do the following.
Insert a regular Facebook comments tag, but append an extra bit to the class, so that Facebook doesn't detect it, but you can.
<div class="fb-comments-unloaded" data-href="..." data-numposts="10" data-colorscheme="light"></div>
Then add some JS which picks this div up, modifies it with the desired width, then triggers Facebook's parser.
var foundFBComs = false;
var $fbCom = $(this),
contWidth = $fbCom.parent().width();
$fbCom.attr('data-width', contWidth)
foundFBComs = true;
if (foundFBComs && typeof FB !== 'undefined') {